Apr 16, 2007 02:12
1. Where did your last kiss take place? when i got out of brandt's car...i kinda crawled back in with my butt out the door...
2. Who knows a secret or two about you? brandt, mcginty, lots of people
3. Four words to explain why you last threw up? not drunk, just sick
4. Have you ever burned yourself? on accident yeah...i have a scar from burning myself on the toaster when i was 5 or something
5. What's crazy to you? haha carla id so write it, but i know youd kill me...i hope you know what im referring to...and annoying is a better word than crazy..or pathetic...or really, really funny.
6. Favorite cuss word: bitch..and the f bomb as well
7. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? no one that i can think of
8. Who is your hero? i dont know
9. Would you ever want to be a supermodel? yes
10. Who is the most experimental person you know? i dont know
11. Do you tell white lies? yes
13. Who do you want to be with right now? lots of people! brandt, shan, my fam, erin (who ill see on thurs), my original crew, you know...
15. How do you handle a break up? i may never know...
16. Your motivation for tomorrow? ugh i dont have any, i fuckin hate mondays. i guess that im going to oxford on weds!
17. Do you know what you will wear tomorrow? no. jeans and something.
18. Last person to make you laugh? brandt
19. Last thing you ate? moes!! with brandt & kian, and it was goooood
20. Do you ever go a few days without changing your underwear? hmm i wont lie, i definitely have. sorry, i know im gross. im a dude really.
21. Have you ever accidentally eaten an insect? chyeah, i was a swimmer. it happens.
22. Do daddy long legs freak you out? yes!
23. Have you ever cleaned up someone else's vomit? im not sure. i think so..
24. Have you ever dropped food on the floor and eaten it? i have. but only hard stuff-you know, that doesnt have floor guts sticking to it
25. Do you kiss your pets on the mouth? i hate pets
26. Do you talk baby talk? yeah sometimes
27. What serial killer do you find most disturbing? umm all of them
28. Do you watch court tv? no
29. Would you ever work in a retirement home? ever? yes, but i wouldnt want to.
30. Do you believe plants have feelings? no haha but rosey i bet allison would believe this
31. Do you laugh at people with "bowl" haircuts? not based solely on their haircuts, but if they have a bowl haircut its probably pretty likely that id laugh at the whole package
32. Do you have nervous twitches? just habits (like rosey) and i sweat when im nervous. or hot, or cold, or excited, or breathing oxygen.
33. Are you ever purposely irritating? chyeah
34. If you could fly, where would you go first? somewhere warm!
35. Do you prefer boats or planes? ive never been on a boat trip, but i definitely dont love flying, so im not really sure
36. Love or lust? love
37. One best friend or 10 aquaintances? both! its hard to pick because sometimes 1 person cant be like, EVERYTHING so its nice to have more...how about multiple best friends?
38. Favorite food? most mexican, pasta, northstar's veggie flatbread, anything with carbs, anything that makes me fat, sign me up.
39. Do you believe that your first love never dies? no, i think it does actually...but i dont know what im talking about so dont listen to me
40. What upcoming event are you waiting and ready for? hmm brandts 22nd on tues, MIAMI on weds, and of course karaoke summer!! :o)
41. Current smell? i just put lotion on...i think its called pure seduction haha mrs athey gave it to me...she must really want me to date brandt
42. Do you get your nails done? no
43. Most favorite person? shan & brandt
44. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald's? a hamburger and sm fries...and brandt brought me a mcgriddle the other day!
45. Are you an emotional person? YES!!!!!!!!
46. Do you like your name? no, not much at all
47. Do you have plans this weekend? oxforddd
48. Do you work? at school, no (except for 3 weeks but thats over) at home, yes all the time-tj maxx owns my soul and i hate it
49. Do you dance naked in your room? that hurts my boobs
50. When did your last relationship end? there wasnt a last relationship
51. What are you listening to right now? i type loud.
52. Biggest fear? pain
53. How long have you been a part of myspace? i dont know, myspace sucks lol
54. Favorite place to be? it depends. home is good, tho not for toooo long
55. What are you wearing right now? pink shorts & a really big soccer t-shirt that al thought i stole from her, when actually we were on the same team in middle school...idiot. and might i point out that she stole one of my al reynolds shirts and cut it up to make another shirt.
56. Are your toes painted? yes cus i THOUGHT id be wearing flip flops. eff ohio.
57. Does anyone hate you? i dont really think so...if they do they keep it to themself so thats fine.
58. How many people do you trust fully? i dont knoww?