that face.. I feel it

Apr 08, 2024 09:51

Seriously, it's been a WTF kind of month.

Long story very short: Brother got a job in Cincinnati. Movers came Saturday (unexpectedly, but it lit the fire under his ass); mom and dad came down Saturday, and Dad came down again, this morning, for the rest of what didn't go with movers (or wasn't going to).

I am in massive amounts of pain. And managed 47 flights of stairs on Saturday alone. The irony being that the watch has never accurately tagged flights of stairs in the 4-5 years I've had it? LOL

Anyway... one more week of tax hell (until the post-season tax hell begins, anyway)... but with him employed and (fingers crossed) the annual raise coming with this next paycheck, I might be able to breathe a little easier and catch up on the credit card and relax a little bit. (and get into posting and creating things again)

For sure, though, this weekend has made me realize just what kind of cluster bizarra and I are going to be in, should our rent go up again, this year. So I'm going to have to actively start decluttering/organizing.

Anyway... hope y'all are well on this Rex Manning Day. Don't look at the sun. Love all your faces. ♥

(copy/pasted to DW, the old way)

real life: why i hate moving, real life: walter the drama llama, daily: monday, real life: the family is crazy!, f-list: bizarra, real life: dork moment, real life: to do or not, real life: work has it's moments, real life: medic?!, real life: my brother's just a lifeguard, real life: gibbs-slap, real life: bills come from the devil

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