What makes you ship the couples you ship (especially less "popular"/non-canon couples)? by
hughville I have to say that's a question I've never really been asked, so I'm not sure how to answer it. Sometimes it has to do with the chemistry I see between two characters (ie the actors are having lots of eyesex or something, I guess?). Sometimes it's the writing.. sometimes I think I'm just there to be contrary? And, sometimes, it just comes out of nowhere after a year and hits me like a Mack truck.. Also, I think you're allowed to change your mind/opinion/views on a pairing.
For example, with Tin Man, I was 100% Cain/DG from the first airing. (Now.. I blame 90% of that on my... let's say obsession with Neal?) But in filling out a sorting application, a random answer I gave to a random question put a thought into my head about how Wyatt and Cain were two different people, and suddenly Wyatt/Adora was THE ONLY couple I could think of.
While I was hardcore Cain/DG for the longest time, I pivoted to Cain & DG as a family relationship over a romantic one. (This annoyed quite a few folks, I'm sure, as it stalled a few ongoing fics). But at the same time, I pivoted to being more of a Jeb/DG fan. (Which, technically is still Cain/DG. :P )
But I also have a hardcore deep spot in my heart for Cain/Az. Which, yes, is maybe weird.. but there was a LOT of DG/Az and Cain/Jeb going around the TM comms back in the day, and whatever floats your boat, but HARD PASS here.
Generally, though, it's just something about the way the actors are playing their roles. [ looks at Peggy Carter & Dum Dum Dugan ]
The thing I dislike most, though, isn't when other fans try to force a pairing down my throat, but when the WRITERS do it. You can write whatever you want, but if the actors aren't selling it, I ain't buying it. And writing it to spite the fans is even worse. I can think of two very specific examples, but I won't bring them up, because I have f-listers who love those pairings, and I'm not going to knock their OTPs. ♥
[ plenty of days still open
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