Oct 31, 2022 21:59
Though, honestly, I expect 99.97% of the problem is the bank.
I need to renew my account. I've tried three browsers and it has failed every time. Go to the bank, to see if there's a notice of a questionable transaction, and they haven't updated any purchases since Friday.
This happened last time, because LJ had moved to Russia; but it was also a different bank.
And, because this is the way the world works now, the only way to contact the bank is via Twitter.
Because THAT'S the way to do business.
Guess that's a second phone call I have to make tomorrow.
(copy/pasted to DW, the old way)
real life: walter the drama llama,
daily: monday,
real life: it's all news to me!,
real life: to do or not,
real life: bill gates owns my soul,
real life: gibbs-slap,
real life: bills come from the devil,
fandom: i love my lj