So Covid is fun.....

Aug 18, 2022 10:11

Or not.

Whatever. It snuck in under a migraine, so I didn't realize the sore throat was that and not post-throwing up for a day. Pretty much five days of no sleep and staring at the ceiling in boredom, paired with a lot of ipad games. (any symptoms I had mirrored the usual allergies, so I don't know how 'bad' I had it.. because I felt pretty normal LOL)

Back at work, today, and getting quite a bit done because I'm here alone. \O/

Boss got it, too, and I'm about 85/15 we got it from his wife's bridge club. He told me last Monday that it was going through there; they had been at his house last; and his wife was in the office the Wednesday prior. She's apparently in bed, today, with "a cold". Boss says she refuses to take a test. Okay, whatever.

Anyway.. other than that, there's been nothing to report.

Aside from the mounting guilt that I have slacked so hard on regular postings. ALAS.

Anyway, hope you're all well and sending cyber hugs from a safe, double-masked distance ♥

(copy/pasted to DW, the old way)

real life: walter the drama llama, real life: it's all news to me!, daily: thursday, real life: dork moment, real life: to do or not, real life: am i gilligan or the skipper?, real life: work has it's moments, real life: bill gates owns my soul, fandom: fun at work, real life: medic?!, fandom: i love my lj, real life: gibbs-slap, real life: bills come from the devil

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