+ got out of the apartment half an hour early and still got to work late. So over Florida traffic.
+ DisneyHits is now on SiriusXM and I am living my best life, today. NOTHING WILL BRING ME DOWN.
+ free chocolate chip cookies at work
+ scheduled my first shot for Saturday - I have to drive to the town my folks used to live in, but that's okay. I know just where it is, and I know how long it'll take. Was able to schedule the second shot closer to the apartment, but the first was just NOT going to happen anywhere in the greater Central Florida bubble.
-- mom is going to drive down and meet me for lunch
-- down side is that I'll miss the post-charity stream, on Twitch, for last week's charity stream (which I missed because of D&D, but I digress)
+ my cousin started a new job at a clothing company and they sell fabric scraps, so I bought two pounds worth. It arrived today.
+ I've been so ridiculously sick thanks to allergies and weather changes, the last two weeks. I'm straight up DRAINED.
+ found a new game called
Dorfromatik and y'all.. I AM OBSESSED. I've already put in about nine hours since I got it Friday night.
I figure there's more.. but I really should get to work. o.O
EDIT: And I see LJ crossposting is broken again. Or not. Just the display, it seems....
(crossposted from
DW ; comment here or there, as I'm here far more than there :) )