Oy with the drama

Sep 29, 2018 10:31

.. but mostly Murphy brown fangirling

Update on yesterday: nothing really happened. Dad got to the hospital, wired up and IVd until the nurses deemed him rehydrated and then back home. So.. that's that.

He spends too much time outside (Florida humidity is horrific); he doesn't drink or sit enough; he doesn't eat; and apparently has been sick the last week or so. So, perfect storm of DUH. /facepalm

Much love to everyone for their thoughts and words. ♥

And the Lifeguard and/or the girlfriend came tromping in at 2am, opening and closing doors, and knocking the AC down to 72.. so I was wide awake until about 5am.

BUT: Murphy Brown is back and it was wonderful.

I had to explain the recurring secretary applicant gag to
bizarra, because she didn't watch the original run; and she didn't ask about the Dan Quayle-bit at the end, so I'll have to run that one past her if she asks. ;)

Sadly, it's not on Netflix, Amazon, or DVD, to go back and revisit. Murphy&Eldin were an OTP before I even knew what OTP was. *though I imagine CBS has it up on their service

Also, I kinda love the guy playing Avery 4.0

In other news, we finally managed to convince the office the dryer was just DONE. So we now have a new dryer. Thank goodness, too, because I need to do laundry. And I need to make myself start it BEFORE I start watching Black Panther and catching up on landcomm stuff /reward system

But first, Pepsi.

(crossposted from DW ; comment here or there, as I'm here far more than there :) )

real life: walter the drama llama, fandom: i ship it, fandom: i love tv, real life: the family is crazy!, fandom: thud, f-list: bizarra, real life: to do or not, fandom: challenges, real life: alive today by fast food then, real life: medic?!, real life: i don't like spam, real life: my brother's just a lifeguard, real life: gibbs-slap, daily: saturday, real life: florida

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