Oh My GOD!!!
EDIT: -since I'm now at a computer and not using a dying cell phone *headdesk*-
Much as I'm on cloud 9 zillion, I have to say that my favorite part of the whole night was actually when Piper came out and he and Snuka did... well, whatever it was they were doing.
Batista had that WTF?! look, Punk was laughing and I think it was
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Comments 18
And Snuka & Piper were there? Holy crap! LOL.
Yeah... I think Piper and Snuka were more for a comic-relief-at-the-halfway-point-to-give-everyone-in-the-ring-time-to-rest minute... Everyone just stared at them. Hilarious, I tell ya!
As for Cena winning, it doesn't surprise me, but it is a little Hey-look-who's-back-I-win! o.O Whatever. I'm just glad he's back.
*mental note to call AtG and rub it in ;)*
I have the RR anthology and it seems to me like they do that every year, just throw in some previous stars (or guys from other companies), just to make things interesting. Hey, did you notice if they still play each guy's theme music when he comes out? I noticed they started doing that a couple years back.
Me too, I suppose. Like I said, I like him too. But it'd just be nice if he didn't win every damn thing. There're other guys who deserve a title shot. Like Kennedy for example. *is biased a little.* *G*
They did play both Snuka and Piper's themes - I wasn't familiar with Snuka's, so I had to wait for him name to pop across the tron. I freaked a little when Piper's started. I admit it. :D
I like seeing the different entrances -as I'm still new enough to be stupid about them-
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