Put in a Hail Mary-call to the Computer pros we use at work and explained the problem. After some message board digging on his part, I was provided with a thread and a link to a free Linux-based program that might work.
Sadly, it didn't. Granted, I don't "speak" Linux, so it was more operator error.
However, there was another program in the same thread that I managed to dumb luck-operate and have (as of this morning) recovered everything except the CSI screencap folder -- which was started before I left for work -- and the entirety of my video collection.
I'd say about 75% of that is in other places, so won't be the end of the world. However, it's the things like Intelligence and Agent Carter that I'd not be able to replace.
BUT, that I'll save for the weekend. First thing I have to do, tonight while copy/pasting everything to the NEW external drive is make sigtags for
Also, I'm going to have an ever longer road ahead, as I was already dealing with copies of copies of many files. Now, some of those have been copied and renamed. So many duplicates to delete. And, really, for stuff like Stargate screencaps.. caps of 10 years ago aren't nearly as nice as they are now. So a LOT of stuff can be deleted.
Long story short: THE FANFIC IS SAVED.
Even the horrible self-insert Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync from when I didn't know better-fic.
Don't be so surprised.