July questions (catch-up 06)

Jul 25, 2016 18:40

July 23: If you had a superpower for a day, what power would you choose and what would you do with it? (fizzbuzz)

Assuming the scanner would be able to keep up, I'd TOTALLY pay cash money for access to the Speed Force. The amount of back-scanning and filing I haven't been able to catch up on since I started working for the accountant is ridiculous. And all I hear about, almost daily, is how annoying it is that nothing is filed and everything's all over the place.

Doesn't matter that I've got no place to actually put anything, let alone the free time to remove staples and run pages from 2007 through the scanner.

And when Jackass comes back, next month, I'll have no access to the scanner at all, because he has "real work to do".


July 24: What's the first thing you do in the morning, and the last thing you do at night? (twirl_madly)

First thing is probably wonder how many more minutes I can get away with sleeping in, before I really and truly have to get moving. Last thing, is usually spending two hours trying to fall asleep, while the brain starts plotting a scene I know I'll never get written.


There are still days to fill, so ask away!

real life: walter the drama llama, daily: monday, fandom: quizzes and memes (baaa), tv: dcverse, real life: to do or not, fandom: i write fanfic, fandom: steve the plotpapay, fandom: from the f-list, real life: work has it's moments, real life: gibbs-slap

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