
Jun 14, 2016 10:13

Was really not a great day, for me. Taking a break from Facebook helped a little bit, because GOOD GOD.


I love my FB friends, I do. We wouldn't be friends if I didn't. But, yesterday was the day I couldn't handle differing opinions of anything. Especially from BFAM Nate, who is as close to family as one can get. I wanted nothing more than to reach through the screen and punch him in the face. Other friends also have some wild views on things and stepping away was the only way I could avoid a mass unfriending.

I am not friends with these people because of their politics. *repeats to self*

Also, a harsh reality of realizing that a singer I've loved for a very long time has a wildly opposite view of things.. so much so that I actually had to unfollow them, solely to save my blood pressure.

I am so SO proud of the people of Orlando for standing up and fighting back against all the world's directed vitriol and effectively giving them the finger and an FU.

Also, I'm not entirely sure just why this whole thing hit me as hard as it did. There's no reason I would have been at that club, that night or any other. I didn't know anyone involved in any way (aside from knowing some people who live 'in the area'). Hell, I was feeling guilty for ordering pizza for dinner, Sunday night, as if it was just another day and life was sunshine and rainbows.

Let's get this straight - I don't have a problem with you owning a pistol, to be kept in your closet or nightstand, in case of an emergency. But no one on this Earth will ever convince me that ANYONE has a reason -or Constitutional right- to possess a military-grade assault rifle, unless they are active military and in fucking combat.

A movie theater; an elementary school; a nightclub <-- THESE ARE NOT COMBAT SITUATIONS.

It's not about the mental status of the shooters. It's the fact that the guns are available at all.

I don't care what side of the NRA fence you stand on. There is a gun problem in this country and if you honestly think that arming everyone is going to solve it, you're free to unfriend me at any time.

Most importantly, though -- and pardon my Klingon -- DONALD TRUMP NEEDS TO SHUT THE QU'VATLH UP AND DEPORT HIMSELF. He is a pig and a waste of space on this planet. /politics

PS: I needed to vent, okay? The rage button.. it was pushed and the cooldown isn't coming as fast as it usually does.

I love you all ♥♥

real life: walter the drama llama, real life: to do or not, real life: it's all news to me!, real life: bfam nate, daily: tuesday, real life: florida, real life: gibbs-slap

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