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Day 2: What is your favorite Christmas carol or song?
Ooh.. that's a good question. I'd have to say it's probably O Holy Night, specifically 'N Sync's version. Because ♥
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Also, because of the lights at MGMHollywood Studios, Mad Russian's Christmas. ALWAYS.
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Seriously: watch this stuff.. (it's a different song, but the effect remains the same)
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And it breaks my heart that this is the final year for it.
Day 3: What are your plans for Christmas 2015?
I'll be at work on Christmas Eve, until I'm told to go home; off on Friday and through the weekend.
bizarra and The Lifeguard both have to work, and my folks are going up to Cincy to visit my grandmother, so...
Probably World of Warcraft and landcomm/icontest entries. And spamming the hell out of
gatechic's inbox. Or not.
Day 4: What is your favorite Christmas activity?
Christmas morning, nothing starts until Muppet Family Christmas gets watched.
Literally NOTHING.
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Day 5: Post your Christmas wishlist.
That my LJ friends have a great holiday and the new year treats them well. ♥
(will probably do some more this evening, since the next ones involve photos of the tree and ornaments. Maybe)