Jun 07, 2010 10:34

OMG! luxuria_oceanus 12 HOURS AND 30 DAYS AND I CAN GIVE YOU A SUNKIST!!!!


BERFDAY! wishes to smartoompaa! Hope you have a great day! *throws cupcakes*

The brother is coming up to do his laundry today, and he's bringing the camera, so I'll finally be able to post the photos of Harry Potterland. Opens this weekend? Next weekend? I'd go down this weekend and renew my passand suffer the MADHOUSE, but the brother will have the camera in Mexico.

I've disowned him, BTW, because he gets to go to Circus Mexicus this year. BFAM Nate, BFAM Gurk and Nealio are going, too - they call it the "bachelor party" ...Whatever. - He has orders to keep an eye out for Danger, to try and smuggle some Mexican Moonshine out of JJs and to remind Roger that Florida needs tour dates. *nods*

Speaking of Danger.. I need to work on the chair!fic. among other things...

bizarra, I made the mistake of putting Faith back on the work shuffle. *headdesk x1000*
gatechic, I forgot our date with JaredTom this weekend. *ashamed*
Rest fo the f-list, *smooch*

real life: it goes all the way to 11, real life: walter the drama llama, fandom: i ship it, real life: the family is crazy!, fandom: thud, fandom: i write fanfic, real life: universal studios, fandom: i love movies, real life: my brother's just a lifeguard, music: rcpm, f-list: luxuria_oceanus, daily: monday, f-list: gatechic, fandom: i love music, fandom: harry potter, f-list: bizarra, real life: berfday!, real life: dork moment, real life: past where the sun sets, real life: bfam gurk, thud: rcpm, fandom: from the f-list, real life: bfam nate, tv: tin man, real life: florida

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