Apr 13, 2010 09:33

Happiest birthday wishes to puritymatters.. I hope you have a wonderful day and get lots of cake! ♥

Today is also Jonathan Brandis' birthday. So... yeah...

I still miss you every day, JGB. ♥

I figured I'd try that not posting to tell you I had nothing, but not making a post just feels weird. Therefore, I shall make up for it by telling you a few little bits of nothing:

* I opened a savings account yesterday. Watch me be a responsible adult! :p

* I'm finding the lack of Internet pets refreshing. I even remembered that I have Neopets. Granted, I logged in, threw them back in the NeoLodge for a month and logged back out, but... Stress levels went down a bit when I didn't have to worry about what's on the stove, etc. Still not a fan on Facebook's urge to post every time I do something. If I don't care that I leveled up, why would you? I also wish there was a way to filter the 'announcements' for a game to only those who play the game... not that it matters on the two, as I'm the only one playing them. But, I digress...

* The month-break at characteraday has thrown me off a bit, honestly. Can't remember which day it is, half the time! But, while searching for some pictures for the BATHTUB challenge at home_icontest, I came across some good images for future categories. I also need to sit down and update the masterlists.

* Round 25 of prompt_in_a_box closes tomorrow night, but I think only three people on my f-list are affected by that, so consider this a simple reminder to myself to work on the tables tomorrow night. ;) And Bad Horse and I spaced on a prompt yesterday for team_demilo. Will get something up super-quick!

* Due to a question, last night, by chibi_kaz, I finally took the plastic off my Alice DVD and popped it in. I skipped ahead a ways, to specifically deal with her question, then continued on. This was, aside from the first repeat, the only other time I've watched it. And it was EPIC. Steve is still silent on plotting, sadly But, hopefully, the new CHALLENGE at new_wonderland will help that.

* Working while at work is odd. But, LJ's mostly quiet during the day, lately, so... not to mention at night

I think that's everything for now... Steve is mumbling, but otherwise silent; Walter is grazing in the corner... How are you?

real life: walter the drama llama, daily: tuesday, real life: work has it's moments, fandom: steve the plotpapay, pimping you out, fandom: i make art, f-list: gatechic, fandom: i love tv, .prompt_in_a_box, real life: berfday!, tv: alice, real life: internet pets are trouble, fandom: from the f-list, fandom: challenges, real life: bill gates owns my soul, thud: jonathan brandis, tv: tin man, real life: bills come from the devil

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