The Heartbreak Kid kinda broke my heart...

Mar 29, 2010 09:28

But... it was worth it. ♥

Aside from Summerslam IV way back in the day.. my first WWE was the night HHH and HBK came out as Vince and Shane. And I was hooked.

It was a massive tossup - you want 'taker to hold the streak, but you want to root for HBK. I didn't know the stipulation until the match started last night. But, if you're gonna go out, might as well go out on your terms. *nods*

I don't see HBK never coming back... but I do think he'll stay retired this time. Though, I won't turn down another trip to the cafeteria for tater tots. *snort*

I don't care if I miss HIMYM tonight. I'm watching Raw.

Anyway... it rained ALL NIGHT LONG. Just when it would stop, I'd be almost asleep and it would start again. *headdesk*

The brother left as I cleared out for work - his laundry was done and I got to see some Mike & Mike for the first time since the move. Greeny won the Sheets of Integrity. Poor Golic.. I'm so laughing, though. He has to wear a USC shirt on the Notre Dame campus ALL DAY LONG. Greeny wants photos of proof.

Also, the Bob Knight-sweater discussion was hilarious. Hopefully, I'll be home for SportsCenter to see if they managed to wear the sweaters. And the brother and I are in agreement that ESPN needs to sell the Greeny and Golic sweaters. *nods*

Last for now, happiest BERFDAY wishes got out to goylegirl! ♥ Miss you, love you, etc., etc. *throws pineapple slices*

All for now... *raises Pepsi* ♥

EDIT: Dear and Fluffy Lord, barstools and my knees are not friends... OWIE!! :(

real life: why i hate moving, daily: monday, fandom: where i pretend i follow sports, sports: wrestelmania, fandom: i love tv, tv: espn, real life: berfday!, sports: wwe, real life: dork moment, tv: mike & mike in the morning, fandom: from the f-list, tv: himym, real life: what's with the weather?, real life: medic?!, real life: my brother's just a lifeguard

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