Me and Nick - finally a shot without his demon!eyes :D
Me and Roger - why do I always have to look like such an IDIOT?! o.O
There were maybe 60 people there. TOTAL. Including the staff of Jackrabbits. It was WICKED! And that place is a true dive bar. The name of the place is SPRAY-PAINTED on the door, there were sandbags blocking the water from the sidewalk - 'cause DAMN was is raining last night - and there was ZERO hard alcohol. Family-friendly club, which is great - there were four kids - the oldest was maybe 10 - and it was just AWESOME.
The guys came in later - except for PH... he's an elusive little bugger but we found him on the bus. And totally blamed Boots. Well, he did say PH was by the bus and we should go out there. o.O
Roger was AWESOME. He remembered my brother from the non-stalking incident at the Starbucks in Boulder; and remembered J's friend's sister from the Springs a few weeks ago. That was pretty wicked.
Roger was all excited that it was my first/second show and wanted to make sure they covered all the favorite songs. I was content. He said they'd play my brother's favorite tonight - even wrote it on his hand in Sharpie! :D
Gonna have to try and get a picture with the guys from Shurman tonight - they are great. They've got one song that I fell in love with -
Here's to Rock-N-Roll - linked to evil MySpace - we meant to ask last night if Aaron's grandpa was in Easy Company... will have to try and remember tonight.
There were video issues last night, but it did finally get
up and isn't a bad picture. Not that I would suggest such a thing... but does anyone know how to copy this?
Watch this show and more at J and I were off to the right the whole night, except for Jack vs. Jose, when I was recording the video that won't open... which is just shy of halfway ;)
Which is really good, because the memory card is being stupid and not letting pull the one video off. Argh! o.O
More pictures up sometime....
Hey... it's either this or Tin Man. Get used to it...
As for the PD crew - OMG do I have ideas now...
*glares at Roger and Steve for being so awesome*
*double glares at ConorBoots for being awesome and ADORABLE*