I finally happened across
My Boys on TBS... Granted, I've missed the first five episodes... but it's fantastic!
Unfortunately, there are NO groups for it. Nothing on LJ, Yahoo!Groups... nothing :-(
But, the website does seem to have back episodes (just not sure how many)!
Also, ABC pulled DayBreak *angryface* And, boy was it getting interesting
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I'll let you know what I find. Will probably head over to Subway momentarily... Target is across the street.
I WISH you had been there last night... but I'm also glad you weren't...
Let's set the scene:
Me. Ron. Scott. ATG. Travis (who's new and was training with ATG).
Ron's zuchinni bread (drool)
ATG not so much unable to control certain functions, but not wanting to
TWO versions of D!ck in a Box from this past week's SNL
ATG singing the chorus over and over (and over and over)
Ron singing it on the way to his car
Not sure if I should take it that i'm "in", or that they just don't consider me a girl...
Also, re: Tuesday - Apparently the more you tell them you can only work one, maybe two days, the more you get scheduled...
No clue on NYE - being a Sunday, I'm guessing not. I know Toby Keith will be on the early cruise. I just hope I don't get Monday or Tuesday -- have stuff both nights, so probably expect an offer of next Tuesday, and you can decide from there :-p
Wow... not quite a rant, but novel-length!!
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