In 2008 the majority of Canadians voted for a prosperous, fair, and green Canada. Over 60% of voters cast their ballots for parties with progressive platforms. With 37% of the vote the Conservatives effectively hold 100% of the power.
The Conservatives received 170,000 fewer votes than the last election, yet they won more seats. The Greens, who received 940,747 votes, are not represented at all.
Politics as usual is not working: the progressive majority in Canada is now ruled by a right-wing minority. If Canadians do not act we are going to watch Canada become more unequal, more irresponsible, and more out of step with a changing world.
We can change this. The Conservatives only secured 143 seats in Parliament while the NDP, Liberals, and Bloc Quebecois secured a combined 163 seats. These seats give the NDP, Liberals, and Bloc Quebecois the ability to form a coalition government. You don't have to give up your vision of Canada. The parties can work together to find common ground.
Canadians for a Progressive Coalition are asking the NDP and Liberals to form a coalition government with support of the Bloc Quebecois and counsel from the Greens.
We are going to build momentum until we get a government that reflects the values that we voted for. In the last election we saw vote splitting on a massive scale. Today, we start stitching those votes back together.
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