Stolen from my dear x
samediskeleton xP
101 things - To-Do List
Bold = in progress
Striked through = done
1. Get my lip pierced
2. Learn to drive and get my driver's license
3. Learn how to read & write hiragana
4. Learn how to read & write in katakana & at least 20 kanjis
5. Have a fluent conversation in Japanese
6. Travel to Japan
7. Travel to the UK again
8. Travel to Finland & Sweden
9. Travel to the USA and spend Christmas on NYC!
10. Learn a bit of German
11. Attend to a Bon Jovi live show
12. Get a Jack & Sally tattoo
13. Attend to a Matenrou Opera live again
14. Re-read Nietzsche's "Antichrist".
15. Dye a streak on my fringe white (and the rest black, Bride of Frankenstein's style lol)
16. Face my fear to haunted places and visit the most hounted house here on my town.
17. Bake muffins.
18. Bake cakes.
19. Bake Halloween-themed cookies!
20. Dress as one of the Marilyn Manson's "mOBSCENE" dancers for Halloween.
21.Finish my career at university lol.
22. Learn how to play the drums.
23. Learn how to play the guitar.
24. Go to the gym again.
25. Buy and iPod.
26. Re-decorate my room and make it look the way I really like.
27. Collect Living-Dead-Dolls.
28. Buy tons of CDs I want and I haven't been able to get yet.
29. Have a huge horror-movie collection on dvd.
30. Pierce my navel.
31. Meet with my friends from Brazil
32. Start writing again, it's been a long time since I did it.
33. Go to a horror-themed bar/restaurant
34. Study for my exams with enough time and not the days before.
35. Learn how to make paella!
36. Download and play The Sims again.
37. Hold a snake on my arms and have a picture with it around my neck!
38. Learn to sue
39. Make a Peggy cosplay.
40. Let my hair grow until it reaches my waist!
41. Have all my nails long at the same time, without a single one broken xD!
42. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
43. Photodepilation.
44. Carve a jack-o-lantern.
45. Have a photoshoot with my cat.
46. Walk instead of taking the bus.
47. Lose 2 kilos.
48. Catch up with Nana's manga.
49. Catch up with Naruto's anime.
50. Find a guy I don't get bored with lol.
51. Finish watching Twin Peaks.
52. Reply to some letters and packages I received this year.
53. Have a Halloween party
54. Set up my own promoter.
55. Work on the music industry.
56. Find a better job with a better pay.
57. Tidy my room more often and be more organised.
58. Meet with Lilia and attend to a Candy live show together... and then to a Steel Panther one LOL XD
59. See Kyo singing live.
60. Forget about people that are not worth my time.
61. Throw away the clothes I don't use anymore.
62. Attend to the Harry Potter Theme Park in Disneyland!
63. Buy an Slytherin scarf and proudly wear it during this winter.
64. Go to the theatre again, it's been a long time since the last time I attended to a play.
65. Become independent
66. Move out of my town
67. Have more self-control when I go out at night lol
68. Paint my room red.
69. Find a zebra duvet!
70. Attend to belly dance lessons
71. Watch a burlesque show
72. Hear "Kill it" in a Helloween live and go totally nuts at that moment XD
73. Talk again with some old friends I've lost contact with.
74. Speak a little more about my feelings before exploding.
75. Spend Halloween in the USA at least once
76. Buy a pair of cowboy boots!
77. Read all the Anne Rice's vampire chronicles books.
78. Get rid of some stupid people and kick them out of my life.
79. Attend to a WWE live show and see Randy Orton RKOing someone! XD
80. Do some exercise before going to sleep.
81. Pass more thatn 5 subjects per year at university.
82. Go to a karaoke
83. Buy a new pair of contact lenses
84.Stop buying useless stuff on eBay lol
85. Stop having so much sugar.
86. Have lots of cats at home lol
87. Do some research on someone I lost track of time ago (lol sounds like a stalker >w<)
88. Buy a new hair streightener
89. Bath in the sea while it rains
90. Try to sleep more and better
91. Meet Sujk just to tell him our cats should marry XD
92. Buy a new leather jacket
93. Save money just to buy lots of Halloween stuff when the shops are full of it on October lol
94. Stop making webs and blogs and sites I'm not going to use.
95. Buy enough earrings for my piercings and try not to lose them all -.-u
96. Paint REDRUM in one of my room walls LOL
97. Learn some new para-paras and song choreographies
98. Get an Erasmus scolarship this year or next one
99. Find a pair of sunglasses I actually like
100. Wearing a bikini without feeling uncomfortable or ashamed of my legs and ass lol
101. Finish this damn meme! XD