Jun 13, 2004 04:54
hmmm.... ive seriously neglected this whole website thing, havent i? o well.... so schools out and summer has been great! i do have ringworm, and thats gross, but its already clearing up really well. o lets run thru my entire summer thus far. friday 6/4, was my last final (algebra), followed by hanging out with kendall after school at her house, pat meeting us there, and then us all going over 2 the relay. the relay was interesting this year, 2 say the least. but thats all ill say about that. saturday, i hang out with tina a little after the relay, the buy a new book (rainbow high), and go home and mention 2 my mom i have a weird, painful rash on my ass, crotch, and inner legs. she says it sounds like a fungus, and then i pass out around 4 pm-ish, and dont wake up until sunday at 7:30 am. sunday my dad buys me a weirdo anti fungal cream 2 tide me over until the next day wen we could go 2 the doctor's. so mark and i hang out with ali 4 a while, but she has 2 go home, so we go 2 pats house. then me, mark, and pat go over 2 kendall's (i think we went 2 kafein first, but im not sure) and "chilled" there (ya'll know waht i mean)/ then andreas comes later, and mark gameng explains 2 us why alcohol is a beverage and welcomes us home on2 the mountain top. o yea, and patrick made me angry.... but thats ok, it didnt turn out so bad. we'lll c 4 sure this wednesday. monday i go the doctor who refuses 2 prescribe me ne anti fungal oral medications (GRR!) bc theres a slight chance of liver damage. o yea, just like there was a slight chance of liver problems, digestive tract problems, depression/suicide isses wen i took accutane for six months and nothing happened. o well, so i went back 2 work full time that day. after wards i went out with kristina, jess j, pat, andreas, mark(?), louise, bridget, brett, and i think others hang out. or maybe that was tuesday. no i thibnk it was monday, bc i think one of those 2 days i went out with tina, but im not sure which. but wait! tuesday i went 2 kafein as well! and i saw SAVED! which was an awesome movie. highly recommended! wednesday was pride, and after pride we all went 2 NK where tina, alex, and liz all mysteriously showed up and chilled with us. then thursday i go over 2 kendalls house where pat already is. then andreas and mark come over 2 and we watch ellen degeneres dressed as spiderman. yay! after that we went 2 bretts house where tina was, as were all of his friends. but it was an...odd night regarding his treatment of me, so 4 that and other reasons i broke up with him that night. friday me and andreas and michelle went 2 kafein 2gether, meeting elida, jess, bernadette, brett (were on good terms), ning, chris, katie, reggie, lana & friend, and maybe others. then some of us went back 2 alicia's and "Chilled." then saturday, or 2day/yesterday me and andreas went over 2 marks where ali and angela herr met us. michelle o came by as well, then me, dre, mark, and michelle went up 2 pats since he is leaving for 3 weeks for diving camp 2marrow. kristina and her boyfriend aaron met us there (hes really cool, fucking hysterical fo sho!). we went and made asses out of ourselves at bakers square, where brett, alicia, nin, and reggie met us 4 a little. then kristina and aaron went 2 go "drive aaron home" and the trevians went wherever. me and dre and mark and micheel stayed at pats 4 a while, and then i came home. i hav been basically watching tv 4 hours, and then was looking at planetout profiles. and now here i am updating. its almost 5:30 on sunday now, so im gonna go hav a cig and go 2 bed. bye!