Mar 29, 2004 23:00
hey, 2days my birthday. yay! well, im 17 finally, tho not feeling ne older nor that things have changed. i still dont have a license, still hav a relatively early curfew, and still dont hav a cell phone (tho thats the one im the least concerned with). i dunno, life is good tho. i just wanna say, in no particular order, how great all my friends r. andreas, mark, ali, vanessa, john, christine h, kristina, christine t, liz, alex, tina, kristyn, fatima, bridget, kevin, michelle a, marx, olivia, jamie, giovanna, louise, mark f, laura g, laura b, herc, pat, nom hee, jessica, adriana, mari, ronnie, col m, col c, frankie, linda, jade, michelle o, kendall, kat, bonnie, maura, lili, tracey, meg, lauren, meg, katrina, cindy, angela n, bernadette, angela h, maria, all the pride kids, every1 from work. im not passing out one of those flyers, and i hope i didnt 4get ne1, but its just an idea. i think im gonna go write a birthday poem. bye