Aug 16, 2004 09:33
last night i saw possibly the grossest thing i have ever seen in my entire life. my mom and i went out for dinner. we are sitting in the restaurant in the middle of our meal and the guy at the table across from us starts clipping his nails. AT THE TABLE IN THE RESTAURANT. what the fuck is that? my mom and i were so grossed out. i literally couldnt finish eating my dinner. i know people are gross and rude and have no manners, but this takes the cake. i've seen people clipping their nails out in public, on the metro or whatever, and that is gross enough. but in a busy restaurant....i cant handle it.
in a totally unrelated story...i saw so many minnesota plates yesterday (10,000 lakes!) it was very weird...and it made me miss josie. who called me yesterday and i didnt call her back...i'm sorry josiefina, i love you :)