Feb 10, 2011 20:41
There's alot of schools of thought on this, espescially if you consider music thoughts. I don't, but there it is.
So what is it really? Something that can be broken when times are bad? Or even down right terrible? Not if it's real. Love isn't the stuff of songs and music, it's not something that's measured or qualified, it's whether someone will always be in your mind. I love my son, he will always be in my thoughts. Despite my hurt, I love Maria. She will never leave my thoughts, either. That's what love is, I think. Thinking of someone no matter what distance there is.
I have it, I cherish it, I will never lose it, not for them, not for any I've ever loved. Especially my unofficial sister, Starr. Love her, loved her, will love her, because she'll always be in my thoughts. Turns out the world isn't so black when you realize that.
~<3 Erin