Charity Auctions.

Jan 21, 2011 14:24

So a small part of me is starting to think that Adam Lambert does the whole "charity" thing a bit better than Hanson does. I know, I know. How dare I ( Read more... )

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erinerin January 22 2011, 05:20:57 UTC
I'm sorry if you feel like I've insulted you. It wasn't my purpose in this post. I had a hard time wording what I wanted to say correctly and honestly meant no harm. You make valid points. I fear, though, that for some (not all) fans, the walks have lost their meanings. I know this was a huge conversation over the last tour.

I wasn't trying to say that we were in a competition with Adam's fans, either. I was just trying to point out some of their creative fundraising ideas and that I admire them for what they've accomplished. The things that I listed above are all things that exist in the Hanson world. I just think that we could use the same ideas and raise so much money for the ttw charities. I personally don't have any idea how we could do that, but I know there are some super creative fans who could figure it out. I don't write or make icons or anything like that, but I know that there are a ton of fans that do. I think it would be a great way to use their talents for a good cause.

I must have missed the link for your challenge. Where can I find it? I'd LOVE to donate.

Again, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you (or any other fan). Please don't feel like you've failed.


breathe_abreath January 22 2011, 05:47:20 UTC
No, no, no. You didn't offend or insult me. Like I said, I'm just feeling extra sensitive about this particular issue recently. lol I've just been underwhelmed by the response to the fundraiser I started. I thought Hanson fans would rally, but they haven't so far.

And I agree that the walks have lost their meaning for a lot of fans (and for some fans they never had meaning to begin with, they just did it because Hanson said so and they wanted to take pictures of them). I wouldn't be surprised if Hanson stopped doing them simply because it's becoming more and more obvious that a lot of people aren't there for the right reasons. :(

I don't know. *sigh* It's just all very depressing. :p You're right, Hanson fans do have the ability to do this, they just... don't have a goal, I don't think. There was never a sense of "okay, we have x amount of time to raise x amount of money! How can we do it?" And I know that Hanson isn't really pro fanfiction, but I think in general there are SO many potential legal issues swirling around making money off of any kind of fiction based on real people or other people's characters, even if you donate that money to charity. The handmade crafts and selling of rares and autographs on ebay is something we could easily do, though. Hanson fans just tend to enjoy hoarding their stuff like freaks. Because, obviously, we need 10 signed setlists and a copy of MMMBop on vinyl. :p

Honestly, I'm pretty sick of this fandom in a lot of ways. I love Hanson, but I wish I loved their fans, too. I wish there were more people in this community who were excited and energized and positive, rather than seemingly finding more enjoyment in tearing Hanson down for everything they do and still calling themselves "fans". I don't think they're perfect, and I can say when they do something I don't like, but some people just seem to live to pick holes in who they are and what they do. It's like... if you don't like anything they do and you hate them as people, WHY are you still here?

Bleh. Sorry. lol


Sorry, forgot to give you the link:


erinerin January 22 2011, 06:15:44 UTC
I completely agree with you. I can't even tell you how many times I've gone to concerts and all I've heard is people complaining about the band. Or even worse, talking about how the boys "owe us." I'm sorry, but this band has given me more than I've ever imagined. They don't owe me anything. You're right about the people that do nothing but complain about who they are, too. I've had situations where I don't agree with them. But I accept that they are simply people. People with faults and strengths and all the other things that make them real. While I don't always agree, at least I can appreciate that they have their beliefs and I have mine.

I didn't even think of the whole fiction/character thing. I think it just slipped my mind because I saw so many people doing it in the Adam fandom. Their fan fiction doesn't appear to have the negative connotation that Hanfic, has, though. I mean, the boys have officially banned hanfic. So I can see why it would probably be a bad idea to try to earn money off of it.

Thank you for the link. Do you mind if I share with nonfans?


breathe_abreath January 22 2011, 06:42:45 UTC
Please, go ahead. If you think anyone will donate, I don't care if they're a fan or not. lol I figured fans would be more likely to share, especially if it was for a special occasion like this. But I apparently misjudged that. :p

The "they owe us" thing pisses me off to NO end. As Taylor said at the CO show last year when I fan yelled that at him: "We don't owe you nothin', bitch." *snort* I know he laughed it off, but I'm sure deep down there was some truth to it for him. I wouldn't blame him.


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