So it's been almost two years since I updated this silly thing.
Does anyone even read it?
The last time I wrote, it was about Christmas. And love. And happiness.
This year, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, right?
Christmas is tomorrow. Merry Christmas, everyone! My sister's not home. She's 600 miles away, actually. It feels strange and I don't think I like it. I love Travis, but I miss my family.
Love = nonexistent. C'est la vie.
Happiness...Well, it's on and off. But that's normal right? I have friends that truly care. I have a job that I adore and I spend every day of my life surrounded by children. It really doesn't get much better than that.
So, I'm going to go. Help Dad wrap. Hit up church. The usual.
But first...attempt something I haven't done in a long time...
Hit "shuffle" on your itunes/winamp/whatever. What song comes up?
Billy Joel - "We Didn't Start the Fire"
Have you ever seen this band/artist live?
No :(
Write your favourite line from the song that came up?
I don't have one. The only part I know is "We didn't start the fire! It was always burning since the world was turning!"
Can you name all of the members of the band?
Uhhhm. Billy Joel. Haha.
Hit shuffle again, what song comes up?
Bon Jovi - "Damned"
Have you ever seen that band live?
YES!! :)
What's your favourite song by that band or artist?
"Livin' On A Prayer"
What do you think of when you hear this song?
One of the best live performances I've ever seen.
Do you own the album, or just the mp3?
Hit shuffle once again, and name the song.
Nirvana - "You Know You're Right"
Who's the drummer for the band?
Daaaave. Grohl. Mmmmm
Do you know all of the lyrics to this song?
What do you think about this band's guitarist?
Thinking about him makes me sad...
What is one thing that really sticks out to you about this band?
Their music is so sad...
Do you own everything this band has put out?
If you could spend one day with this artist, what would you do first?
Probably just listen...