It's That Time Of Year Again.

Dec 07, 2008 14:38

I love how college manages to both stamp out and enhance my enjoyment of the holiday season. Also, Blackboard, you continue to defy me and my attempts to submit two papers through SafeAssignment. I hope that my professors still got my work. Otherwise, I won't be graduating.

Senior Project was a disaster, an actual disaster. There was actually blood and tears, both of which I shed up in the protective corners of the Young Street lecture hall because my group had failed me. I say that without remorse because if you knew the work I had produced and continued to produce, the work I did for the members of my group who did not feel like working all semester, you would have been proud. I was. But my work alone could not carry a victorious presentation, it seems, and though I spoke well and stood out, it was futile to the group effort as my fellow members stuttered and stumbled through the presentation. They literally read off the slides that I had made for them in the presentation I alone constructed. GAH. I hate people.

Also, finals are here. HERE. Tomorrow is my first. I am spending the day studying and memorzing names of artists, works, and dates. The biggest blessing of my university career, aside from the ability to watch TV online (LOLz), is that I always manage to find a common ideological theme in all of my courses so effectively, I study a group of ideas and theorists and then I can apply it to all my finals with success. Modern Movement doesn't apply here but International Cinema, Art in Context, and Sociology of Culture/Subculture (shout out to all of you who did my Supernatural survey for that class!) all have a common theme: post-modernism.

The studying, it keelz. I just had to make a short post to let you all know that I am still alive. Sort of. :)

Visit atelier_avante   if you are looking for something fun to do! That was my little project yesterday. You know, when I should have been studying harder.
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