I Am About This Close To Calling My Senior Project Group Member An IDJUT.

Nov 08, 2008 05:09

College has been the best time of my entire life. This is the last year I'll ever get away with hijinks such as sleeping in, spending copious amounts of bandwidth resources downloading music and tv episodes, making junk food a veritable proportion of the food pyramid. Wearing Threadless on a daily basis and getting away with it. Losing this will be slightly depressing but let's relish it while we still can now, people. Kind of like how we're all still reeling with happiness over on this side of the pond because we just love the hope of our 44th president in these trying times.

New Roomie!Amy, Sam, and I grocery shop at 2AM. It's true. We make midnight runs to the store on almost a daily basis. Last night was no exception. We're cruising the aisles of the 24-hour Tesco and we pass the bakery section, home to the Best Brownies Ever.

"Mmm," Sam muses. "Those are so amazing."
"I know," I agree, "we should totally get some."

And then, from behind me, I hear this totally random guy go, "Yeah, yeah...Mmm...Buy it...chocolate...Be my chocolate (fill in the blank)."

Needless to say, we scooted to the refrigerator section in no time flat. CREEP-O. Of course, once at the refrigerator section and deliberating over buying flavored yogurt cups, there is this, like, whimper behind my ear. The dude from the chocolate aisle has returned to leer some more.

What is wrong with men lately? Anyway, my natural response to this? "I will cut you with my demon-killing blade."

LULz. And just when you thought you were the craziest mofo in Tesco at 12:30 at night. PS. Yes, the doughnuts were so worth it. We would brave an army of pervs all over again to get our Krispy Kremes.

Actually made headway on the Senior Project that is, like, an entire course but for which I have done zero work as of yet this term. (And, oh yeah, term's over half done). I designed one-and-a-half posters through gritted teeth due to the complete slackerness of my group (I hate group projects. I always end up doing everything) and the fact that the skeeviest, most digustingly creepy guy in our school (I am not kidding. This guy is infamous for how creepy and wrong he is. Just ask dawnintheforest. She knows exactly who I'm talking about. And we both live in constant dread he will stalk our El Jayz.) Anyway, so he refuses to do any work, citing that "he can't use Photoshop" and so I delegate that he should take photos of London theatre posters so that we can show the client what they are competing with. "I don't have a camera," he says. Even the teacher chimes in on this one. "You can sign one out from the school." She also probably spoke up because I was literally two seconds away from actually smacking him. And I have the personality of Pam Beesly. It takes a lot to make me mad. Zee point is, I totally choked out a pretty awesome-looking poster by the end of the seminar. Just for the record, I am in love with the lightning-fast, sexy Macs (with HUGE monitors) in the MacLab at school. I think I might move in there.

After that little fiasco, I stormed home, spilled my woes to Sam, who took pity on my pathetic ass and proceeded to coo over and admire my handiwork and then I set to the arduous task of downloading the newest ep. of That Show I Love So Much. I tried downloading it during Senior Project lecture but, like, karma was like, AW HELLZ NAW and it totally didn't work. I ended up with a major FAIL after an hour of trying and ended up buying it on iTunes and then figuring out how to get the other file working on my laptop but whatever. Small victories, people. Marks & Spencers had my favorite diet soda. And I so drank the entire liter today. That can't be healthy.

Sam made this amazing chicken and macaroni-and-cheese for dinner which were both very tasty and deviated me cruelly from my soup diet as did this drool-tastic loaf of walnut bread. I seriously ate, like, six slices. And then Amy left to go to a gig and just stumbled in, like, three hours ago.

And that was pretty much our day.

So, shall we talk about those Winchesters? Yes, lets.

Wishing wells are one thing. Massive girl-drink-drunk-porn-loving teddy bears with an existential crisis are not. At this point, I pretty much worship the hallowed ground upon which the writers of this show tread. WHUT.

I appreciated the Bigfoot refs as well as the gaudy appearance of totem poles in the motel this week. Because that is so my experience of Washington whenever I go visit my cousins up there. One time, I spent an entire sleepless night in an RV smashed into a double bed with my cousin camping in Yellowstone. All I could think of was that Bigfoot was going to come and eat me. I was also, like, fourteen years old at the time. Or maybe I was nine. I really don't remember. The point is, I am still terrified of being eaten by Bigfoot and I am almost 23. Also, it should be known I spend half my life writing the thesis entitled. "Jared Padalecki: Bigfoot Lives."

And now it's that time for everyone's favorite part of the review, The Top Five Moments of "Wishful Thinking". Aaaand go:

5. The only thing more screwed up than homicidal apocalyptic clowns are dirty-mag-sick-in-the-head-sick teddy bears who smell like the bus.

4. Sam telling Invisible Peeping Tom Dude to put on some pants. Sam Winchester doesn't mess around.

3. Dean's wish: a 12" Italian sub with jalpenos. Who. Friggin. Knew. What? Not even a hot chick to handfeed it to him? I am shocked and appalled, sir. Hell changez people.

2. Office Space called. It wants its Flair!waiter back. Loved it.

1. "We might be handsome but our lives are miserable." One of the most epic debates in modern history.

No, seriously. That was probably my favorite part of the episode. "People are miserable bastards because they can't get what they want." And even if you were to get what you want, it might not mean anything anymore because desire is ephemeral. Above all, I found it very interesting that Sam divulges that even if he were to get that picket-fence-2.6-kids lifestyle he may have wanted more than anything before Dean rolled up to Stanford, it's not what he wants anymore. Because he's not that person anymore. This, of course, only furthers my theory that the end of the show will find the boys embarking on a lifelong struggle against each other as they are poised to oppose each other, angels versus demons and all that fun stuff, but is just such Boy Talk. And Boy Talk is pretty much my reason for coming back to SPN again and again.Just so you know. So well done. And did anyone else think that Wes sounded like McFly from Back To The Future?

And where the crap is Bobby?

P.S. Totally random but I am actually having a craving for Disneyland. ♥

college, friends, personal, school, london

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