Because the lack of schoolwork I have done is staggering. In a related story, there must be a carbon monoxide leak in our building because none of my floormates have done any work either. YESH.
So, El Jay is now "Undead Journal" and all I can think of is that Twilight crap. Haha. I know. Sacrilege. On that note, I was totally on
Perez and watched, like, four video of R-Patz getting herded into his car amidst a sea of screaming, hysterical girls. Like, it was literally like watching a clip from "A Hard Day's Night," it was seriously ridiculous. This was compounded by the fact that I have met the guy and he's very nice, very shy and quiet, but certainly not the type of guy that I could imagine becoming, like, a walking sex god. But I digress.
Let me just say...that nothing, nothing lures in new SPN fangirls than freaking Dean playing his leg to "Eye Of The Tiger." I think it's official. If I ever meet a man who does that, I will marry him on the spot.
So I'm totally and utterly exhausted. I have to get up in less than four hours totally am up at the crack of dawn to retrieve a textbook that I need to have read by 4.30 in the afternoon because we're having yet another legendary POP QUIZ in International Cinema. Because we are in the fifth grade. Apparently. Lord. I promised myself I would not update until I had good news...and so here it is...The Top Five Hottest Moments of My Fall Break.
dawnintheforest, did get some schoolwork done very late on last night. GAH. I am going to regret it later but if I didn't do it (and continue to do more, I will not only personally have a heart attack, but my thesis advisor will be sincerely disappointed in me. Over the break, I read a book, wrote an essay, and even managed to hit the almost-5,000 word mark on the Senior Dissertation of Masochistic Doom. I totally laid down like, 1,400 words in the past...two hours. Whatever, I was distracted. :) But at least I did it.
2. I worked out tonight and throughout the week. I always feel extra accomplished when I manage to feed my mindz and my bodiez. And then I proceeded to literally undo the good I had done by eating a handful of M&Ms and a piece of toast. At 2AM. To distract from the crumbling catastrophe that is my immense essay on Hermione Granger's Hero's Journey. Whatevers. I still worked it, yo.
3. I am now on chapter three of my creative writing endeavor, which I have very stupidly become incredibly obsessed with tackling alongside my a billion assignments, my overloaded six course schedule, and my raging television obsession these days.
4. My huntress bracelet is going to be in the mail! The mail room at school is a warzone but I am hoping it gets delivered to me in one piece. Because that would be all kinds of WIN. I was writing Cayden and I was all, "between my bracelet and your chest tat," YEAH, someone's getting the Winchester anti-possession tat done for REALZ, "we'll be SET." And he's all, "YES. We can be the best monster-hunting duo EVER...except for the Winchesters, of course. PS Do you think they'd let us hunt with them?"
Yeah. There are no words.
And because I can't get enough of Crazy!Drac. I am a nerd and this is excerpted from my cinema textbook...Which I have just finished the reading of, as stated above. YESH. I went out at, like, 8:30 and saw what the world did that early in the morning to get a schoolbook. I'm awesome. And a geek.
Here's a little film history for ya'll. No COOPAWN req'd. ;)
"The earliest type of horror movie is the hidden monster--whether it lies within our own beings (as with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 1908) or an unsubstantiable being such as a vampire...The vampire film had its heyday in Hollywood during the 1930s (mostly at Universal). The mise-en-scene at the time was influenced by German expressionism--more particularly by the lighting and sets of two German silent films, Robert Wiene's The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (1919) and Friedrich Murnau's Nosferatru (1922). After the Second World War, the vampire film tended to disappear..." However, they were brought back in the 1950s-1960s by Hammer Horror Films in the UK. "During the 1970s, the acid-cold dinner-suited vampire hitherto so much in evidence gave way to the acceptable face of vampirisim: the vampire became more romantic to the point of deserving love (flower-vampire) and the female vampire made a brief appearance (as in Vampire Lovers, Roy Lloyd Baker, 1970...)."
Of courses, nobody told this to Crazy!Drac who totally shot himself in the foot and didn't get the girl and wound up ganked.
"By the early 1980s, the vampire films all but disappeared doubtless due to their unsuitability in the face of AIDS. But France Ford Coppola came back with Dracula (1992) supposedly faithfully based on Bram Stoker's original...vampire films, however, are not whole or even in main canon of horror films. As indicated they dominated 1930s horror but it should also be acknowledged that there were other monster-type horror movies during that decade such as Frankenstein and its sequels. These were about man-made monsters returning to haunt us and as such as be considered cross-generic (horror and sci-fi)." - Susan Hayward, 208-209
This was the episode
dawintheforest was crawling the walls in dread of. Like, I was all, "no spoilers! No spoilers!" so I was totally chill but she was losing her mindz which eventually freaked me out but by that time, it was Friday morning and we were able to watch the show and we what all zee crap was about.
Essentially, it all about Jensen Ackles and his comedic skillz of AWESOME. Like, I know Lilith was around and creepy and I liked the integration of Japanese horror mythology--of which I am borderline obsessed. I wrote, like, two papers and did a presentation in International Cinema on it. But seriously. The episode begins and ends, for me, with Jensen Ackles playing his leg to "Eye Of The Tiger". The angels sang on that one, let me tell you. And the there is a heartfelt ode to Dean Winchester's machoism summed up in about a minute.
Click to view
My roommate and I lost about five years off our lives laughing.
And now I have to go and piece together my life before 12:40 rolls around and I have to eshplain why it was that I had an entire week and did almost nothing to my dissertation. GAH. Afterwards, I shall devise a clever ruse which will enable me to prostitute Crazy!Drac to my cinema professor, culminating in the entire class watching "Monster Movie" in the name of German expressionist cinema. And film noir.
Wow. The lack of running water in this building just blows my mind. I just thought everyone should know.