I am grateful for my two healthy, smart and gorgeous daughters. I am glad they are happy. I am glad that Vivian, catching a milkweed seed, can't think of anything more to wish for than more lollipops and more beautiful days for playing.
I am grateful for my husband, soon-to-be-of-12-years; daddy for my kids, washer of dishes, constant support, best friend, lover, fellow hopeless geek and social misfit and awesome writer.
I'm grateful for my miracle brain surgery and a third pain-free year. I am grateful for science and medicine and all the smart, curious people in the world.
I'm grateful for writing. For what it gives me. And for the incredible, amazing chance to write full-time. I'm grateful for the people in my life who make this possible -- notably my agent Emily and my editor Arthur, and all the people at Scholastic who are taking such good care of my little book. I'm grateful for my writing friends, too many to name. But here's some who brought cake.
I'm grateful for my family. And still mad about the one part of it that's missing. Baby sister, miss you so much.
I'm grateful for yeast. And fresh vegetables, dug up out of the earth by Angie and Taarini and Andrew and Peter. And even for meat. Thank you chickens! Thank you, cows! I'm grateful for the little miracle of eggs.
I'm grateful for money. Because, Lord, does enough money ever make things easier. I'm grateful for all the accidents of history and geography that make things easy for me and my family. This is a charmed life, and we have not had to earn it.
I'm grateful for my little garden. For dirt. For sunshine and the whole shining world.
And yet, despite all this, I can't pray without coming to tears of anger. Sorry about that, God. I'm really trying...