It's Cold today. Really cold.

Dec 06, 2010 19:41

It's really winter.  I find it depressing.  I did all of my shopping  on Amazon this year as a protest.  I haven't been in a true mall  since Crystal was still pregnant. I shan't venture out to one for Christmas this year.
That's not to say I'm being a complete humbug. My mom saw a really cool gadget that she really really had  to have.  A clear vinyl cover for cookbooks that's weighted down to keep said book open.  The concept is cool, and it keeps your books splatter free and open. Unfortunately, it no longer exists.  That isn't quite true- I found one in Canada, but  it cost $6 - with $20 shipping.

So I bought 13 dollars worth of clear vynil and a pound of flat marbles.

We'll see how it goes!  BTW, I bought 2 yards of vynil, so yea... thats  alot.  This  may become a cottage industry. I really have no idea what to do with the extra 1 1/2 yards of vinyl.  Cover one couch cushion?  Randomly find a car  in my 'hood and replace the black garbage bag window with it?  The possiblities are endless.

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