Saving the world, ten bucks at a time

Sep 11, 2007 19:57

Hello you rare, gorgeous, and fiercely intelligent person who occasionally reads what I write. As you might know, I'm joining a group of U.S. young people going to a UN summit in Bali which will start to determine the future of the Kyoto Protocol. International action is our ONLY hope of getting climate change under control, so this is the most important meeting to happen in a long time.

Why a youth delegation? To put it bluntly, this is a problem created by the last few generations, but it's the under-30s who get to clean up the mess. NB, this mess includes massive natural disasters, the spread of tropical diseases such as malaria to temperate climates, flooding, glacier melting, the possible drying up of the Ganges and a possible global environmental refugee crisis. This sucks. We want to tell people how much it sucks.

The problem: The summit is in Bali! (Nice, you say, but the conference isn't outdoors. Boo.) And we're not. We need to raise a lot of money to make this happen - 20 well-informed, righteously angry young people buzzing like mosquitoes around a US delegation who want to stick us with the legacy of irresponsible industrialization and the Bush administration's failure to pull its finger out.

The challenge: is challenging organisations to get as many donations as they can in a week. The six organisations with the largest number of donations get matching funds which double the money raised. So it's not the size of your donation that matters, it's that you're donating in the first place. Can you afford five or ten bucks? (Hey UK peeps, remember your pound goes twice as far.) Please, forgo your latte in the name of climate justice. Or something like that. We need at least 250 donations to earn the matching funds, so that's 208 to go. We only have five more days! And if you can afford more than ten bucks, that would be nice too. We REALLY, REALLY need the support, and we promise to make it worth it.* You can use the box below to donate:

* For every donation that I know about (from one of my friends), I promise to find some way to put the US delegation on the spot. Sweetens the deal, eh? eh?

For more about the youth climate movement, check out It's Getting Hot In Here.

bali, development, climate change, environment, campaigning, politics

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