Aug 07, 2009 00:34
I don't think children under the age of 14 should have laptops. Maybe desktop computers. Or family computers. But little children having computers and access to the internet is how bad things happen. They are ignorant of the harmful things that you only become aware of with age. If children are even allowed to have desktop computers they need to be monitored by an adult quite frequently. When I was in middle school, one of my very very dear friends little sister Hannah was kidnapped because she was meeting someone she had met on Myspace. She was found and she was quite alright, but still, she was like 7 or 8 years old. She should not have had access to that website. Even if her account WAS private. And secondly, little kids break things... it is a universally acknowledged truth that when little kids are around you stow away your valuables, things you don't want their grubby little fingers on and I think laptops are completely on that list of valuable things. We live in a very material time, and kids aren't as well behaved as they used to be. They don't always listen when you say don't do something or other.
kid-friendly laptop,
writer's block,