Standing the Test of Time 46

Apr 21, 2009 03:40

Title: Standing the Test of Time 46
Fandom: AtS
Pairings: Spike/Dracula, Spike/Angel
Rating: R
Warning: Slash
Disclaimer: I don't own them or make money off them. This is just for fun.
Summary: When captured in the aftermath of a battle Spike finds himself at the mercy of his old rival--Count Dracula. Will he be saved before it’s too late or will he be lulled into something even more dangerous than the Counts’ wrath?
Spoilers: For the Peter David IDW comic series Spike vs. Dracula 1-5.
Timeline: After NFA and after my story William Restored.

"How long have you been with Angel?"

Losing his composure was bad enough, but this? He felt the jealous eating away at him and was sure that it would take his sanity if he let it. Spike was his, it didn't matter if he hadn't admit it yet Dracula had committed himself to securing him as his lover. This "Angel" had suddenly brought everything into a new light. Details were harder to obscure now that new layers of understanding had been added.

This was not Spike protesting sharing his body with another man. There were no lingering human fears of losing his masculinity. That apparently had been given freely to another man years before. He loathed that he would not be the one to introduce the younger vampire into the pleasures to be shared between two men. Pity perhaps as he had not always harbored such tender emotions towards his rival, their feud had kept that from being possible. It was only natural that Angelus would show his charge those delights. That did not mean that Dracula had to like it.

This information grieved him inflicting unintended injury upon him. Why was he denied when Angelus had obviously not been?

"Have you lost your mind? 'M not 'with' that wanker!" The lights of fury may leave Spike, his passion never does. "Never have been, not where it counted." The champion informed soberly with hand to heart and more pain than he realized in his soft voice.

"He hurt you." It's a statement that comes out rather flatly. Not because he doesn't care, seeing the full picture simply leaves him confused for a moment. Pieces began to fit a little too perfectly. Spike of course will not confirm such a perceived weakness.

"Like he could! Kicked his ass for a nice cuppa of torment I did! Might have been flat but I still won! Nevermind the sodding puppet fight..."

He's babbling nonsense with false bravado again. Trying to hide the ache that never quite goes away. Drusilla, the Summers girl, Dracula has heard the tale of how they mistreated Spikes' love hating them the more for it now that he sees their work with his own eyes. Angelus, that is harder to see. He's never seen either man even slightly affectionate to the other where else he at least had seen the files on the Buffy Summers affair. Victor had done surprisingly well at providing such information. Still Dracula was vexed to discover another aspect he had not known about Spike.


Their talking, arguing, whatever you want to call it. He can see it from where he is, not really paying attention to what their saying. Might not be such a strain to try but he's more interested in their body language. Spike, he's always been so expressive. Under normal circumstances the former bottled blond practically be broadcasting his business. Lying about what was in his heart or who he was bedding had never been talents the other souled vampire could master. Hell, Angel had been half impressed that the fling with Buffy had gone unnoticed by the rest of the Scoobies for so long. Then remembering that this was during a time Giles hadn't been present and Willow had been on her magic kick it made more sense. Plus Xander had never been the sharpest stake in the bunch.

Funny that Angel hadn't noticed this lastest affair until he had stumbled on Faith and Illyria of all people discussing it. Both women were very perceptive where sex was concerned especially Illyria. The god-king had no reason to lie and every interest in the workings of her lessers. Judging for himself he worked around the awkwardness that clung to Spike and him. That had blocked his view, had to because there were tell tale signs. He was good at catching such clues when he was looking for them. Used to be his trade when the little things could cause so much intrigue for Darla and him back in the day. The coy looks, bashful achingly familiar smiles that Spike usually was too busy fronting to expose. The poet had made an appearance seeking out a new muse.

Angel couldn't have been more shocked if Xander Harris had arrived confessing undying love to him and begging his forgiveness for years of mistreatment. This was not what he had come to expect from Spike. The Count was arrogant, the type of posturing controlling old relic they both had detested from their soulless days. God, Angel couldn't sum up how much he hated those types. Dracula had previously been a minor dislike due to their lack of contact but he could see many of the same traits. Most bothering was the affect he was having on his not so rebellious prisoner.

He had noted that Spike had been drinking human blood. With all the other vampires about and his own nervousness around Spike he had not seen it beforehand. Torn from his punk persona into a vulnerable image of Draculas' choosing. Fear gripped him like never before. Weird that of all the time for Angel to see that he had someone who--the only one really--that walked the same path as him. They shared the same experiences, suffered with their souls and now was Spikes' time of need. He was tumbling down a dark road much like Angel had done after Darlas' return.

This was a trap crafted so precisely that innerly Angelus crowed his approval. Dracula was a sicker bastard than Angel had ever given him credit for. Not satisfied with breaking his foes' body he had devised a new manner to torment his prey. What better way than striking a vampire than through the heart. If he succeeded Spike would be helplessly at his mercy. Worse yet he would be there of what he thought was his own free will.

Not likely, he had thought. Even Spike wouldn't fall for such a cliche. Not when he had seen such plot being formed, helping Angelus lure their own prey.

Angel had been proven wrong when he had followed to the gardens to see with his own eyes the painstaking task of choosing a flower. It was a Victorian means to send messages that he knew well having used it much with his own little pieces of art. Broken dolls that were normal people before he had masterfully destroyed them. Like Drusilla. Now Spike was going to be wooed into a false romance to get petty revenge on them all.

Spike had already fallen for the trap if his chose in a reply was any indication.

Angel had stared banefully at the crimson carnations for longer than he intended unable to understand how the other souled vampire had come to this. Not that making a stupid choice based on his lust was anything new. Par the course really. could he be so stupid?! For decades--over a hundred years really--the feud between their clan and Dracula had raged. Angel himself hadn't known about it until their stay at Worfram and Hart but Spike had been the one committing himself to act as man of the house. To protect the family honor (such as it was) and keep the women unharmed. How could Spike willingly submit himself to such an asshole?!

Making up his mind Angel snapped off the refusal bloom and gave chase after the boy. It hadn't been hard to switch out the flower for his own. Usually there would be more finesse to this, he certainly knew Spike well enough that he could have written a convincing fake note attached. All in all it was a rushed job that he suspected would be discovered. This would however buy them time to find a way to save Spike from his own stupidity.

"You need not protest. I can plainly see the imprint of his work." To soften the impact of his statement Dracula kissed the scowling face. "These are not good tidings for a courtship." Lips pouted slightly at the thought of having to maneuver around an ex-lover. A snort told him that Spike found his distress amusing again (as was his way) and he dutifully ignored the little insults. He was starting to think that perhaps they were a sly manner to be affectionate without appearing to be. "The only occurrence that is worse is having to meet the family. ...Which occurs to me that this is rather a what you would call a "two for one" deal, yes? "

"Not like that, no." There was a tight quality that informed Dracula that perhaps he was hitting a sore subject. For once he decided not to pursue the matter.

"Do for him?" Preempting Spikes' denials he silenced the protesting mouth with a simple press of his index finger. "I've heard you say that you were never "with" him where it mattered. Actions as they say speak louder than words. Both his and yours. You have not just been resisting my advances, have you? And he cares for you enough to attempt to stop our progression.

"I did not want to be quite so forward this quickly but Angelus has forced my hand. I want you to know my intentions, William, as I am certain they have already been colored through your own eyes. " Too bright eyes stared up at him impossibly fragile filled with such human emotions not the larger than life mask of fearlessness that he had come to know Spike by. "I wish for you to stay with me, not as my prisoner."

There's no escaping though he can tell from Spikes' twitching muscles that the instinct of resisting is still present. Not that he can entirely blame him, fear of this almost consumed him before this reckless pursuit started. Running isn't an option to Dracula anymore not when he has glimpsed the prize to be had. "You have said that you were open to exploring this. Do you want to?"

"Yeah." Spike croaked through a too dry throat.

Nodding once Dracula pushed himself away from his befuddled paramour. "Excellent. Regrettably I will have to leave shortly to see to the Mihai annoyance. We will continue when I return."

Spike blinked rapidly as if trying to clear his foggy vision. Then giving himself a rough head shake hie sputtered out, "Wot? Come again--think I heard wrong. Could have sworn you got me worked up, to the point me bits are making themselves known I might add, and said you're going to find some sodding Harry Potter wannabe!"

"Hmm, perhaps you know a little of the state you leave me in. As I said some other time." The Count added dryly at the two finger salute he was given in response."I will be departing soon. If you wish it you may stay in my chambers, I am certain you will find them more comfortable than your own."

"Might at that." Giving in to the impulse Spike leaned forward capturing Dracula by surprise. He was breathless, horny and not the least of which a little lonely. It might have covered his conflicting emotions better than wavering between fight and flight mode did.

Being invited back to the big mans' room. That was a huge step. Never slept in Buffys' room like a couple did. Used to love sharing a big bed with Dru where they would rest sated for hours at a time. Felt normal like that, yet the concept was so mind blowing to him at first. Having another body holding you through the night. Made it feel all the more worse to sleep alone after the break up. Being with Harm helped a little in that regard. She might have been useless in every other area but she liked to stay in bed cuddling before she'd ruin the moment by going on about some pointless thing. One good thing to be had from this separation would be the time to think on his next move. Well that and having a nice chat with Angel. Broody pants had a lot to answer for.

standing the test of time, spike/dracula, spangel

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