30 Random Kisses challenge

Jun 11, 2006 19:43

This is my challenge list for 30 Random Kisses

01. Moonlight. 02. Ocean Breeze. 03. Hot. 04. Cold. 05. Fire. 06. Snow 07. Motorcycle 08. Coffee. 09. Medicine. 10. Chocolate. 11. Ambition. 12. Tattoo. 13. Magic. 14. Inch. 15. Myth. 16. Epic 17. Rock N Roll. 18. Disco. 19. Abnormal. 20. Universe. 21. Gold. 22. Silver. 23. River. 24. Wager. 25. Wind. 26. Jazzs. 27. Crystal. 28. Blues. 29. Club. 30. Den.

The Challenge:
This is a community devoted to multi-fandom fan fiction based around a series of kisses dealing with themes. You choose a fandom, a couple, and write a fan fiction dealing with one of the themes in the list. You write one fan fiction per theme and may use any fandom/couple you want.

The requirements are as follows:

1. Your fiction must be labeled with your fandom, your couple, a rating, and the theme you are using for the fiction.
2. No rape, incest, or graphic descriptions of sexual abuse. No Real Person Fiction.
3. All pairings (slash included) are allowed.
4. Please use spell check.
5. Use one of the following ratings:
a. FRAA - Fan Rated All Audiences
b. FR13 - Fan Rated guidance suggested under 13 years old. (mild violence, mild sexual innuendo)
c. FR17 - Fan Rated No children under 17. (adult themes, sexual themes, violence)
d. FRAO - Fan Rated Adults Only (graphic sexual description, graphic violence, mature themes)
6. Please list all warnings you feel appropriate for your fiction (character death, slash, threesome, foursome, rough sex, etc)
7. Place the text of your story in an lj cut. If you don’t know how to use one, follow this link to learn how: lj cut
8. You can jump around the list. You do not have to go in order.
9. You can choose multiple fandoms and multiple couples, or you can do all the kisses in the same fandom with the same couple. It’s your choice.

30 random kisses challenge

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