Fall Semester 2008: A Summarization.

Dec 10, 2008 23:49

Three months of torture and the what-became-questionable self-discipline is over. Yes, fall semester 2008 at The University of Illinois at Chicago is done... and I have never been so ready for winter break. What's more, a ONE MONTH winter break! Needed?--yes. Deserved?--not so much. I mean, I'm not too proud of how I "got through" this semester, and I have to say that I surprised myself with my unattentiveness and probable failed courses. But, I'm not gonna let that get me down... at least not right now. And anyway, I just got a ticket today to worry about... but I'll get to that one later...

Math *** (
1) i almost slipped 5 times.
2) or-kay-sis, kes-nut
3) "i've never been down here before" --THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!
4) WTF is a CHEESE DOG?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!??!
Spanish 110: 12/05 -- First one to finish exam. Can't tell if that's good or bad though...
Psychology 100: 12/10 -- Bad News Bears.
English 160: 12/04 -- Turned in Portfolio. I'm gonna enter my argumentative essay in a writing contest = $250?!!!

Today, Connor called me around 8:30 this morning asking if he could drive my car to school today 'cause his car just completely shat on him. He offered to walk all the way to my house... but I didn't want him to do that in the freezing cold so I drove over there so it'd be more convenient. Unfortunately for Erin, she wasn't aware of the Mon-Sun 8AM-10AM Residential Parking Permit thinguhmuhbobber. BAM! $35 ticket. Just reinforces the fact how badly I need a job. Anyway, I ended up going to school with Connor and Luis kept me company while he was in class. He gave me The Triton Tour which mainly consists of looking at a tarantula and looking but not staying in the cafeteria lol. After Triton, Connor and I made a pizza then reignited the Lost Experience with season four that began (for me) just this summer. Connor bought season four last night along with The Dark Knight. And lucky for Benji, I finally saw, for myself, that Jin is in fact, DECEASED!  I don't know HOW yet so SHUT UP EVERYBODY! AND MICHAEL AKA KEVIN JOHNSON?! TOTAL CLIFFHANGER, HUH?!

But yeah, THE DARK KNIGHT ON DVD! HELL YEAH! ...but it kinda really sucks. not the movie, don't get me wrong. it's just that, BOTH Connor and I payed for the 2-disc special edition and the stupidest things are on it.  Like "Gotham Tonight" and there isn't even commentary or deleted scenes on it.  ALLz I GOTZTA SAE IZ DAT DARE BETTA BE A BETTUR VERSION L8R! and also, GOSSIP GIRL ON 12/08 GREAT EPISODE! CHUCK BASS... URMINE! Oh yeah, one last thing. Mine and Connor's six months just passed three days ago.  HALF A YEAR! WHAAA?! and what did we do? We watched Lord of the Rings... YES!

I made him a sox blanket for christmas... LOL 12/08

I was waiting for the train to come after my math final 12/09

this just makes me so happy LOL
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