The more I wake up and go to school and go to these bullshit classes, the more I realize that what I'm doing everyday at school isn't for me. Yesterday at school was horrible. I just cried. I sat on a bench and cried hysterically on the phone with my mom. Yes, everyone was looking at me... but I really don't care. Seriously, I'm taking TWO English classes, a Psychology class, a Spanish, and starting October 20th, a Math. Like, I can't even justify any of those classes that I'm taking. WHY?? I counted the weeks left of first semester. NINE WEEKS! Then a month of winter break. A MONTH! That's a third of summer. That is SO AWESOME! When I was in high school, I thought two weeks was so cool. But fuck, A MONTH! God is good LOLOL GOD
After school, I went to Connor's. I was being a little baby and complained about how much I wanted McDonalds. He went with me to get a cheeseburger happy meal... then he had to go to Sokol. I picked up Lauren and the two of us went to Hammer. It's this small boutique in LaGrange that her family rented out for a private party. I couldn't afford anything there... so I stayed by the food counter for most of the time 'cause I'm fat. After about an hour, we went back to my house and watched TV with my sister. Lauren and I snuck into Connor's house while he was on the computer. Then Benji, Luis, Christian, Julie, and Kelly came. We all hung out in Connor's basement and just talked. It was fun. I love my friends! When everyone left, and when it was only Connor, Benji and I who remained... we popped in Donnie Darko and watched the whole thing in like half an hour. I was so afraid of Frank the Bunny, that I made Connor hold me all the way to my car.