"If I only could..."

Jan 31, 2008 13:30

Torchwood last night! Eeeeeee!!

Having to watch it an hour after everyone else may just kill me as cailenbraern and my Mum were texting me the whole way through making random comments while I was sat at the kitchen table building a tardis (I'll get back to that one later). So not helpful or conducive to calming me down!

Anyway, where was I, JACK AND IANTO!! *grins like an idiot* Yes, I was a happy bunny last night that we got an onscreen kiss, also was it just me or was Jack declaring his love for Ianto in a sort of roundabout way, which I presume lead to Ianto diving on him?!

Also fact that you may not all be aware of, but due to reading JB's autobio I have found out, John doesn't like his neck or face being touched, in fact he HATES it. So I'm impressed that Ianto's hands are all over Jack's neck and John's not throwing a flaky, unless he trusts Gareth enough now or something?! 'Cause surely Scott must kiss him like that sometimes... (yes I have thought about this WAY too much)

Anyway, other reactions to last nights episode. Not the best of this season, although I did enjoy it enough to watch it twice last night (I always have to I think 'cause I'm too busy being hyper about it being a new episode on the first watch to take everything - or anything - in) I did enjoy Tosh in this episode and her and Tommy (espec him calling her a daft Lass - so Yorkshire!) Also I'm not sure what to make of Owen, he seems to have had a personality transplant this episode, whereas it was Ianto last ep, although my explanation for that one was that he got some on his date with Jack. Anyway back to the (semi)real world...

Had such a productive day yesterday ie. me and some friends built the inside of the Tardis, and now I don't know what to do with it. It's HUGE and currently sat in the middle of my floor because I have nowhere to put it, also I stood on the doctor last night by accident and he's a bit bent now *giggles* (I would take a picture but I don't know where my camera is)

I should have spent yesterday reading my course books but instead I lay in bed, went shopping, watched the new ep of House (Wilson!antlers WHEEEEE), built a timey-whimey device that's bigger on the inside and watched Torchwood! I so have my priorities straight!

And on a final note, weird ass running away dream where I was Ianto but I wasn't Ianto which involved chasing and being chased by evil scientist dudes, sending signal fires in the woods behind a golf course and Ianto being beaten into a bloody pulp, which included a scalple in his arm (ishy!). Also I drove my parents old car which turned into a bike to get away and hid out in the park until it was safe, where I found myself as Ianto... *is confused* It was the mango before I went to bed that did it!

house, character: ianto jones, life, fandom: torchwood, fandom: doctor who

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