Nov 09, 2004 17:47
// Ver. 1
[a]ge: 17
[b]estfriends: Ashley Nicole Bittner! Than there are my many CLOSE friends...
[c]hoice of meat: Chicken
[d]ream date: Not quite sure what this is asking... the place or person?
[e]xciting adventure:
[f]avorite drink: Diet Pepsi or Chocolate Milk
[g]reatest accomplishment: Uhh... that'll take a few to think about...
[h]appiest day of your life: Ehh theres a few of them. I wont get specific!
[i]nterests: Parties, friends, guys, computers, music...
[j]ello: I dont really care for it... but if I had to choose, it'd be ORANGE
[k]ool aid: I dont like kool-aid, its just sugar water. yuck!
[l]ove: lotsa things
[m]ost valued: possession? Probably my computer or cellphone. I'd be lost without em. How incredibly pathetic! lol
[n]ame: Erin
[o]utfit you wore to school today: Jeans and an Ohio State sweatshirt
[p]izza topping: Cheese and pepperoni
[q]uestion most asked: "Whats up?"
[r]adio station: 96.5 fm, 107.9 fm, 102.1 fm, 99.5 fm, 94.9 fm, 96.1 fm, 103.1fm
[s]port: I'd have to choose volleyball out of all... even though I dont play it.
[t]elevision show: Laguna Beach
[u]r favorite song: There are m.a.n.y!!
[w]here you live: LaGrange (unfortunately)
[x]yz: ??
[y]ear born: 1987
[z]odiac sign: Leo
--Birthdate: August 11
--Birthplace: Fairview, Ohio
--Eye color: Blue
--Hair color: Dark blonde w/ light blonde highlights
--Height: 5’1 or so...
--Righty or Lefty: Righty
// Ver. 2 - Describe
--Your Heritage: Irish, Scotish, German...
--The Shoes You Wore Today: White, backless ones... lol
--Your Weakness: There are many!
--Your Fears: Tornadoes, anything where I struggle to breathe, spiders...
--Your Perfect Pizza: Uhhh well since this was already asked... read above...
// Ver.3
--What is your most overused phrase?: There are a few...
--Your first thoughts waking up: I want to go back to bed...
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Um all facial features...!
--Your bedtime: Whenever my little heart desires!
// Ver.4
--Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
--McDonald's or Burger King: McD's
--Single or Group Dates: Depends
--Adidas or Nike: Ehh either or... depends on what the shoe looks like
--Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
--Cappucino or coffee: Cappucino, for sure!
--Boxers or Briefs: Umm well, I'm not a guy... but I prefer boxers on a guy
// Ver.5
--Do you smoke?: Cigarettes.... HELL NO! YUCK!
--Cuss?: Who doesnt... seriously
--Sing Well?: Shiiiiiit....
--Do you think you've been in love?: I can't say that I have...
--Want to go to college: Most definately
--Liked High School?: Nope. Thats a definately negative!
--Want to get married?: Yeah
--Type with fingers on the right keys: Kinda, sorta... my method works just fine!
--Get motion sickness: I dont think so
--Think you're a health freak: Umm... I'm really big on hygiene, if thats related to the question? lol
--Get along with parents: Yeah... most of the time.
--Like Thunderstorms: Depends on where I'm at
// Ver.6 -in the past month, did/have you:
--Consumed Alchohol: Yeah huh
--Have Sex: Ehh... Nopers
--Made Out: Ehh... not that I recall
--Gone On Date: Nope
--Go To the Mall: Yeah I think so... maybe not? lol
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
--Eaten Sushi: No
--Gone Skating: Uhh No... lol
--Made Homemade cookies: I dont think
--Been in Love: Nope
--Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
--Dyed your hair: Nope
--Stolen Anything: Nope, had the opportunity, but was a good girl and returned it!
// Ver.7
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: I was never interesting in games like that...
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: Yuppers
--Been caught "doing something"?: Unfortunately yes, and it was on video camera!! Thank you, Steve Steele!! :-\
--Been Called a "Tease": Yeah
--Shoplifted?: Uhh when I was little...
// Ver.8
--Age you hope to be married?: Hmm maybe 23-25?
--Numbers and Names of Children?: 1 or 2 and I dont have names planned... lol
--Describe your dream wedding: I'm still thinking...
--How do you want to die?: In my sleep, I think. Not painfully, obviously!
--Where do you want to go to college: Ohio State, Ohio University, or Kent... I think?
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: As of now... an accountant