Jun 08, 2003 22:21
Hey you all, miss me much? I doubt it!
Anyways, how are you all? I O.K. I guess.
Whats new?...ummm well....I got my report card back..didn't do soo hot..but I won't be sharing much on that..um...
Life pretty much sucks booty right now. My Job absolutely blows...my managers are complete idiots...lol
Love life BLOWS!...but I WILL be fixing that!
Gotta take the 2nd semester of Summer School. Blah
But there is one thing I'm excited about...My BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD is coming to visit me from CT!!! OOOOOH It's gonna be ooon when shes here..you all better watch out for us!..haha I Can't wait!
PLUS..she always brings me good luck when shes here soooooooooo...=D
Hmmm...what else is new?...Me and Alex are throwing a party sometime next month...So EVERYONE is invited...hehe
um...Tristans party last night...it was a coo party..I just ruined for myself b/c of STUPID reasons. But to sum it all up..my life will be changing after last night. Some ppl know what I'm talking about..and if you do, good for you..but It's my bussiness if you don't so I don't need to blab it on LJ. But heres a good quote to sum it up:
Never let someone be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option
But anyways...we will miss you Tristan! ;(