Oct 17, 2003 13:21
Hey guys..whats up?
I just got out school about an hour ago. I love fridays b/c I go in late and get out 2 periods early. =D
I have to work today at 2:30 until close..fuuuuun!! And then tomorrow I work at 8:30 in the morning until 1...Blah!
Later tonight Leslie and I planned to go to the movies...Gonna see Chainsaw Massacre..Im already scared!
Yesterday was school and then I went to get my nails done after school...I went for a crazy look and got hot pink tips..hehe W00t W00t!
Then after getting my nails done, I had cheerleading practice..it was actually a GREAT practice..no one faught and most stunts hit!
Annnnnnd my tumbling coach said I woll get my BH in 2 weeks if i stay consistent...wooooooooooohoooooo!
So im excited about that.
Got the final notice that the Red and White Dance is January 9th..Im soooo excited!
I cant wait to get all dressed up and go w/ a date. =D
And its official that Nadia and Tammy are coming to visit me in December..Waaaaeeeeeeeee! =D
But thats about it for news...
Bye Guys!
P.S.~I dont like baseball but.....YANKEES WON!!!!!!!!