Jul 07, 2005 22:32

Okay so I'm bored and I usually solve that problem by going to sleep but I figure the sooner I go to sleep the sooner I have to go to work in the a.m. and I don't want to so I'm giving myself time.

first job: Hiram Catering
First school: James A. Garfield
First funeral: My grandmother
First pet: hamsters... Hampton and Heidi
First piercing/tattoo: ears pierced since like ever but first biggie would be the tongue
First credit card: yes? Visa
First kiss: uhmmm this kid named Kyle in my pre-school class if you could count him otherwise I'd like to not mention anyone else
First love: Raymond Paul Taliaferro
First big trip: only place I've ever gone to is like Orlando Florida like 5 times...
First concert: Spice Girls ahaha
First musician you remember hearing in your house: my brother practicing his trumpet

Last car ride: when I drove home from Ray's today
Last kiss: Ray
Last library book checked out: Fitting in Fitness!
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: ice cream i believe at ponderosa :(
Last phone call: ashley
Last time brushed teeth: this morning... or afternoon I guess you could say
Last CD played: Rascal Flatts
Last person talked to: Ray right now on the internet
Last soda drank: uhhmmmmm I really can't remember I don't drink pop
Last ice cream eaten: from ponderosa
Last time scolded: by my cat every morning when I get up to either let him outside or give him food
Last jewlery worn: earrings

Full name: Erin Leigh McCullough
Astrological sign: Virgo
Pets: Dog- Daisy... Cat- Binx

First thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: mmm Raisin Bran
What were you like as a child: very very shy... extremely shy... and very very fat
What did you want to be when you grew up: a dog trainer
What do you want to be now: personal trainer and a registered dieticain
How many cars have you had: 1
How many boy/girl friends have you had: 5
How many people have you kissed: uhm I really don't know
How family oriented are you: extended family? not very close at all and not as much as I use to be
Last thing you thought about before going to sleep last night: my prayers

Saw a movie: uhmm.. probably the longest yard which was probably a month ago
Told someone you loved him or her: just about 10 minutes ago I told Ray I loved him
Hugged: today... Ray
Were sick: now... I ate too much
Smiled: right now ahahaha
Bought something: today at ponderosa
Danced: today I think here by myself probably
Had a nightmare: I haven't had many lately... THANK God
Did something illegal: not very often.. unless I go over the speed limit

Been in love: yes
Drank: Yes
Smoked: yes
Kissed the same sex: no... well a little peck
Play an instrument: yes..trombone
Believe there is life on other planets: yes
Read the newspaper: no... maybe if it were printed on differnt paper... I hate that stuff
Have any gay or lesbian or bi friends: no
Believe in astrology: Is that like horoscopes and what not?!?! if so then no
Collect anything: I liked snow white as a kid and I collected snow white stuff
Have a best friend or best friends: as far as girl friends? no I grew apart from all of them... but Ray will always really be my best friend
Wish on stars: nope... I just pray to god... (much better chance)
Like your handwriting: no
Have any bad habits: eating
Been toilet papering: yeah
Been to a foreign country: no
Been in a car accident: just in the ditch.. and rearended once.. nothing big but hurt my car!! :(
Something that I'm deathly afraid of: not being with Ray
Do you believe in love: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight: no... you have to know the person to love them.. but there is a deep LIKE at first sight
Do you believe in forgiveness: OF COURSE
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: creamr
What's something you wish you could understand better: what I am reading

First best friend: Megan Phillips
First car: still got her 1986 Cutlass Supreme Oldsmobile
First date: uhm? with Josh Vanek I think
First break-up: maybe with my preschool boyfriend?
First screen name: erinangel3
First self purchased album: I don't know

What is in your cd player: Rascal Flatts
What color socks are you wearing: none
What Color of underwear are you wearing: uhmm leopard
What's under your bed?: shoes...weights
What time did you wake up today: 8:30

Where do you want to go: New York, Las Vegas, Texas
What is your career going to be: personal training
Where are you going to live: out west or down south where people CARE about their health and wellness
How many kids do you want: 2 or 3 possible
What kind of car(s): uhmm an SUV type thingy

Current mood: fat and tired
Current music: none
Current taste: none
Current hair: in a pony tail
Current clothes: running shorts i've had since middle school and a t-shirt
Current annoyance(s): this survey being so long
Current longing: for the survey to be over
Current desktop: the green hills
Current hate: this survey
I may seem: like one of those quiet bitches
But I'm really: nice... very nice
Sometimes I feel: annoying
In the morning I: eat breakfast & do my push-ups/crunches
If I could be doing anything right now I would: be sleeping next to Ray
Money is: what is constantly on my mind
One thing I wish I had is: &500,000 dollars
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: fat
If I had one wish it would be: for me and Ray to live nice and healthy lives
If I could see one person right now it would be: Ray

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
- $500,000
- good hair
- close friends
- nice body

Name Four Scents You Love:
- Raymond
- Apples
- Subway
- Spring

Name Four People You Know Best:
- Myself
- Ray
- My mom
- My Animals

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
- those fuzzy boots
- leather pants
- belly shirts
- fur coats

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- puking
- money
- ray
- going to bed

Name Four Things You Did Today:
- hiked and Nelson ledges
- watched tv
- went to ponderosa
- went to rays

Name Four Things You Bought Recently:
- gas
- ponderosa
- subway
- gas

Name Four People You Would Like To Spend More Time With:
- lily
- ashley
- megan
- tia

Name Four Places You Want To Visit Before You Die (Be fairly specific):
- New York!!
- Las Vegas
- Paris
- London
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