Nov 04, 2007 23:19
Die sieben Todsünden.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part I (Pride/Self-Image)
Pride proceeds from within and defiles a man...
Are you contented with who you are?: Yeah.
Is there anything you want to change?: Not really.
Is there anything you should change?: I should be more ambitious.
Name your best quality.: That's hard. Maybe my empathy
Name your worst quality.: My laziness and helplessness.
If you could save just one person in the world, would you save yourself?: I'd rather die, I think, but you really never know.
Do you think you're attractive?: Yeah.
Intelligent?: Well, yeah.
Talented?: Y- ...uh, no.
Individualistic?: Actually, yeas.
No, really. Do you truly think you're different?: Yes, I am.
Do you want fame or fortune?: It's obvious, isn't it? Fortune.
Do you give credit where credit is due?: I think so.
Do you think people mistreat you for who you are?: Every few weeks or so.
Do you think they mistreat you because they're jealous?: Sometimes, yes.
Or don't they mistreat you at all?: Yeah, screw that.
Are you proud?: A little.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part II (Avarice)
The love of money is the root of all evil.
Are you wealthy?: Nah.
Do you squander money?: I try not to, but I sometimes do.
Do you spend money on only yourself?: Pretty much, yes.
Are you stingy?: Dunno. Depends.
What's your one material want in life?: Dunno.
Would you kill anyone for a material item?: Not really.
Would you hurt anyone?: No.
Do you get an allowance?: No.
How much?:
Would you donate if you won the lottery?: If I was really relly bored...
What charities would you donate to?: Hard to say.
Would you give money to a beggar, even if you weren't rich?: I did before.
Do you flaunt your money while you have it?: No.
Do you let others pay for you?: Rather not.
What's your favorite material possession?: Videogames.
Do you taunt any classes that are beneath you? (Assuming there are.): Only niggaz lulz. No.
All in all, are you greedy?: No.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part III (Envy)
Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them...
Are you contented with your life?: Not yet.
Is there anything you wish you had?: Money/a job and an appartement.
Is there anything you wish you could rid yourself of?: Generally any kind of dependence.
Have you ever been jealous of someone?: Likely.
Are you now?: No.
What are you jealous over?: Can't say.
Would you hurt anyone over something they had that you didn't?: No.
Do you want anything that the majority of other people have?: Yes.
What is it?: Carelessness. Although people use to call me careless.
Does celebrity fortune irritate you?: No.
How about celebrity beauty? (Assuming you consider them beautiful...): If you'd ask me to, I wouldn't be able to think of one celebrity I considered beautiful.
If you don't have a talent, do you wish you had one?: One? Thousands!
So much that you get upset over people who do?: No.
Have you ever wished to be someone else?: Yes. For just some minutes or so though.
Why?: Just to have some fun.
Who was it?: Videogame heroes and stuff.
Generally, are you an envious person?: Nah.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part IV (Wrath)
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath...
Are you contented with the people you're around?: Yes.
Can you honestly say you know what hatred is?: Yes.
Do you hate?: Yes, again.
Racist, sexist - any distinct discriminatory personal aspects?: No.
Do you believe in revenge?: Revenge is useless.
Assuming you do, what would you go for - physical, emotional, or both?: The latter. Or wait... both.
Do you want to hurt anyone, either physical or emotionally?: No.
Have you ever wanted to in previous years?: Yes.
Do you get angry frequently?: No.
Have you ever experienced TRUE rage?: Yes.
What do you think about crimes of passion?: Nothing?
When you do get angry, (assuming you do), is your anger intense?: Seldomly.
Have you had detrimental issues with other people before?: ...?
Is there anyone you feel as though you can't forgive?: Yes.
Have you ever hurt someone during rage or anger?: No.
Could you?: Yes.
Overall, are you vengeful?: No.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part V (Lust)
Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin...
Are you concerned with your sex appeal?: Kinda.
Do you believe in premarital sex?: ZOMGNOEZ
Have you ever cheated on someone?: No. They never asked, as long as they were satisfied. :3
Are you polyamorous?: No.
Are you into orgies?: No.
BDSM?: Dunno. xD
Or do you prefer traditional sex?: Huh?
What are your thoughts on lust?: thinking <---> lust ... ???
How often do you participate in sexual activities?: Anytime, as long as I'm clean, awake and luscious.
How many partners, in total, have you/do you have?: Wtf. Er... one?
At one time?: Yeah...
Are you adamantly against cheating? Or are you okay with it?: The first.
Ever had sex with a whore?: No.
Are you more dominant or submissive? (Even if you're not into BDSM.): Uh... more dominant, I think.
Do you flirt incessantly?: Totally... nawt.
Are you shallow?: No.
All in all, are you lustful?: No. For a guy I'm pretty lame.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part VI (Gluttony)
Their mind is on earthly things...
Do you eat frequently and in large amounts?: Sometimes.
Is your favorite food rich and caloric?: Yeah.
Do you enjoy eating candy?:Yeah.
Do you enjoy drinking alcohol?: Yeah.
Do you attend too many parties?: I kinda hate parties.
Do you indulge in the overconsumption of goods?: Sometimes.
Do you prefer food over other forms of satisfaction?: No.
Would you give up a meal to feed a starving man?: Yes.
Do you save part of your meal or eat all of it in one sitting?: A matter of quantity.
Do you go back for seconds, thirds, more?: No.
Are you overweight due to excessive eating?: I am thin like ass, but I use to eat excessively.
Do you eat more for pleasure than for hunger?: No.
Do you look more forward to dessert than to the actual meal?: Dessert? o_o
Or do you look forward the whole of it?: Uhm... no?
Do you love food?: Yes.
Do you love alcohol?: No.
Overall, are you gluttonous?: Hm. I would say no.
Seven Deadly Sins: Part VII (Sloth)
...and an idle soul shall suffer hunger...
Name the major things you've accomplished in your life.: T_T Go ahead. Say it. I'm a loser, or am I not?
Do you want to accomplish anything else?: Yes.
Do you regulary go to church?: No.
Do you even believe in God?: Don't care.
If so, do you pray at least once a day?:
Do you have a job?: Yes.
Or if you can't yet legally, do you help around the house?: No.
Do you really care about religion?: Not at all.
Do you work for God?: No.
Do you participate in any vigorous activities?: No.
Do you work to do the right thing or just let things fall where they may?: Um. The latter?
Do you possess the ability to feel strong emotions?: Almost only the strong ones.
Do you care what will happen in the afterlife? (Assuming there is one.): There is none.
Are you bothered by religious zeal?: No.
How about zeal in general?: No.
Were you taught to be slothful?: By whom? O_o
ARE you slothful?: Totally. T_T