Yesterday I finally saw Spiderman 3... I've wanted to see it for ages but unfortunately new courses seemed to pop up from nowhere and I never had the time to just go to the cinema and see it. I still can't figure if I liked it or not... well, it's not that I didn't like it, I really love Sam Raimi as a director, the cast was brilliant, there were some amazing action scenes and the romance between Peter and Mary Jane was cute, but, I don't know, something didn't quite work, maybe I was just too tired, but i found the movie so long! For a moment I thought I would never exit that cinema! Maybe what spoilt the atmosphere was the fact that I was also expecting the new trailer of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (OMG, on a real big screen!) and then...the only trailer I saw was Transformers...NO COMMENT...Can I be so unlucky?