Feb 21, 2008 21:57
Anymore work is just like college.
- Sitting here at my same computer desk typing stuff.
- Not sure if this will ever be used.
- Getting interrupted to talk to Helen. :)
- Listening to the same music.
- Get up, go to work (class), come back and do work.
- Wishing I was playing something instead.
- Still working with lots of Indians.
- Brian is at the same place.
- Aaron is still helping (I am typing a new escalation process modeled after a Raytheon one.)
- Wednesday is still Brian Wednesday.
- Less people online to talk to.
- No screaming from the hallway (true: Teddie is there to bark.)
- I'm getting paid for this.
- I don't get to compile anything.
- We own the house I'm in, and a TKE will never be allowed.
- Thursday is no longer Magic Thursday.
I guess this is where I say, "Funny how some things change and other things stay the same."