What a crazy few months this has been. Actually, this whole year was pretty screwed up, but hey, alongside the screwed up stuff, there was a lot of good stuff to even it out.
With Dinotopia (RIP), I got to work with an amazing cast and crew, do stuff I wouldn't normally do on screen, and make a lot of new friends. And how many times in an actors career does he get to work with CG dinosaurs? I'm gonna miss that show.
Celebrity Mole I shot in Hawaii earlier this year is going to be played on ABC in early January. It was awesome to participate, and just be a part of that show, and hang out with people like Kathy Griffin, and Stephen Baldwin (brother #149). I had so much fun, it was a total gas. I swore under oath that I would not tell who the mole was, so you'll all have to wait and see. There's a lot of commotion on the websites message board already. People are trying to guess, and so far they're getting pretty close. But, as I said, I will not tell a soul! :P
I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, and just happy holidays in general. We've still got New Years to look forward to, and let's hope it's a good one!
Rock on!