Jun 09, 2014 21:11
So your humble Dane has one again started a new endeavor: A Linux certification. That and trying to learn French. Am I just blowing smoke? Can I keep this going, or will it die on the vine, like everything else I've never finished? I don't know. There's part of me that doubts it. I know the enemy, and he is me.
I have talent. Lots.
But I quickly lose the desire to see things through. I have moments where I feel like I'm some kind of cruel joke: Potential, but not a lick of motivation. Creative energy that burns out like a flash fire.
A mockery to those with the work ethic, but not the talent.
I'm a waste of anybody's time. I'd love to just retreat from the world like J.D. Salinger did.
Then again, I'd need to write something like Catcher in the Rye, and we all know that's not gonna happen.