This is fuckery.
Everyone here knows someone who works in IT as a sysadmin, developer, desktop support tech, or call center help desk tech.
This needs to get signal boosted ad infinitum.
And if this does pass, my work week ends at 40 hours. Period. The fact of the matter is we in the IT field -at all levels - have to deal with an end user's bullshit. We have to clean up after their stupidity.
You will fucking pay me.
Mr. Big Time seem to cry like a lil bitch when your email goes down.
Executive assistant to Mr. Big Time CEO......Calendering function in Excahnge is F'd up? Damn shame that.
Mr factory floor worker...that plotter not working? One of your high production lines shut down? Oh well....maybe you should have a word with the heads of your company. The ones who lobbied for this shit. You see, they decided to fuck with how I earn my living.
They decided to pull a power play.
We control your passwords and active directory, motherfucker. We will show you power.
We keep your exchange server from going tits-up.
Your Blackberries don't get their mail without us.
If this bullshit not expect me to answer my phone after 5 pm.