Priceless Moment of the Evening

Sep 17, 2008 00:17

Scene: a group of youth, late teens or early 20s, a couple small kids, and a tiny, worn, wiry, feisty-looking woman (TWWFLW) of about 50 or so all hanging out in a driveway. Yours truly approaches, introduces myself and explains that I'm doing voter registration. Young woman sitting on top of a car working on a laptop perks up. She's 19, has never voted, but wants to register. Plus it will get her 30 points at school! Yay! I call over the car to a large young man lurking in the background.

Me: Do you want to register too?

Him: Aw, my vote don't count.

TWWFLW rounds on him (sharp tone): What?!? Who told you that LIE, boy?

Him (quieter): That's what they said at school...

TWWFLW (emits intensely derisive noise): You git your sorry ass over here and fill out that form. You're voting!

Him (sheepishly takes voter registration form and fills it out)

Me (tries not to laugh)

We aren't allowed to communicate any partisan affiliation while doing voter registration, but I suspect that if TWWFLW has anything to say about it, we'll score two first time voters for Obama :-)
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