I think most people on my friends list are aware of this, but I thought I'd post it all the same because it's on my mind a lot these days. (A LARP, if you don't know, is a live-action roleplaying game. As I see it, it is kind of like interactive improvisational theater, with a little bit of cooperative storytelling and competition mixed in.)
In partnership with some very good friends (
racerxmachina ,
dicedork , and
sacredlily ), I am running an ambitious LARP event at the
DunDraCon gaming convention this year, a three-part generational world-building game where the players of each installment can change the setting and plot of later games through their choices, with lots of mystery and discoveries and several cool revelations along the way. It uses a very simple homebrew system specific to this game that is focused on resolving conflicts quickly so that players can focus on character development and roleplaying. The way we have written it, the LARP starts with a kind of real-world adventure serial feel, and becomes more fantastic as the story progresses.
The games are all called TERRA FIRMA ("Solid ground"), and you can see a little more about each episode on the
Events page for the con, though we're being a little cagey in the summaries because we don't want to give too much of the story away. I am happy to address any questions here, though, or through email. It's really a big thing we're attempting here, and I'm very proud and also nervous about it. I think we're all doing very exciting things for it, and I expect that the outcome will be rather epic. Though I also suspect old LARP hands who recognize the absurdity of us running three games in one weekend with revisions between each one may want to attend just to see if we don't actually crash and burn in a huge flaming disaster... :)