Step 1 : Click on the item button which you wish to purchase
Step 2 : Select the number of quantity, delivery option and fill in your
mailing details which you wish the item to be sent to.
Next, click on the submit form button.
Step 3 : A summary of your purchase will be shown.
Check your details ,fill in the security message and click on the confirm order button.
***********************************************************************************************************************************Step 4 : Your item will now be reserved for 24 hours for you to proceed with the payment.
An confirmation email will be sent to you immediately(Do check your junk folder if you do not receive the email).
Click on the link provided in the email and fill in your payment details(via atm/ibanking).
Lastly, click on submit the form
Step 5 : Your order is now confirmed and an email will be sent to you once the payment is verified/delivered!